Download PDF Ebook The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Rebellion

Description of The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Rebellion
Review �Democracy is the tree, families are the roots. �GS. Trust Gloria Steinem to offer insights that liberate us into broader, more profound ways of thinking. Her mind is fertile, deep, conscious, and inspiring, with a humor that apparently can�t help bubbling up, so that we are laughing as we, hopefully, become more wise and determined to change whatever we can change.��Alice Walker � �Gloria has a profound knack for expressing ideas in ways that stick with you. When trying to explain something that I can�t seem to wrap my own words around, I very often reach for one of Gloria�s quotes. This beautiful book of her words will no doubt make one of the most quotable women I know even more eminently quotable.��Emma Watson � �When the path is dark, Gloria�s words light the way forward. I find myself returning again and again to her words for inspiration, comfort, and wisdom. She has a way of saying things you feel you knew but never knew how to articulate. Other times, she expresses ideas you�ve never encountered, but once you�ve heard them, they are impossible to deny. Her words contain the poetic clarity only truth offers.��Natalie Portman � �Gloria brings honest poetry to readers while sharing her experienced wisdom on topics that demand our attention today. From personal challenges to political issues, The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off! explores the power of words when it comes to being a changemaker for yourself and for the good of humanity. And if that�s not enough to move you, the beautiful illustrations will inspire you along the way.��Janelle Mon�e Read more About the Author Gloria Steinem is a writer, political activist, and feminist organizer. She was a founder of New York and Ms. magazines, and has authored many books, including My Life on the Road, Moving Beyond Words, Revolution from Within, and Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions. The organizations she co-founded include the Ms. Foundation for Women, the Women�s Media Center, and Equality Now. She has also produced documentaries, most recently, with Amy Richards, Woman, for VICELAND, a series on global violence against women. In 2013, President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. � Samantha Dion Baker graduated from The Cooper Union in New York City and spent more than twenty years working as a graphic designer. Now a full-time illustrator, artist, and author, she lives and works in Brooklyn with her husband and two sons. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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