Read PDF Our Servants, Our Masters: How Control Masquerades as Assistance

Description for Our Servants, Our Masters: How Control Masquerades as Assistance
The concept of hierarchy is so natural that it worms its way into virtually every aspect of life. Most of us have to submit to a boss at work; some of us have employees who have to submit to us. Parents rule the household while children, in theory anyway, have to do as they are told.When hierarchies go awry is when we fail to recognize them for what they are. A servant who thinks he is master is in for a rude awakening indeed. There is a certain class of hierarchy that exists in modern America, in which the servant-master relationship has been turned on its head, and like something out of Alice in Wonderland, has confused the great majority of the public about what is really going on. The root of the problem can be found in the term “public servant.” In “Our Servants, Our Masters,” Logan Albright asks readers to reexamine their preconceptions of the world based on the language we use, and consider the fact that Members of Congress, among other so-called public servants, don’t “work for us” as is commonly asserted, but actually have the power to dictate to a large extent how we live our lives.Logan Albright is a Washington, DC-based writer, composer, filmmaker and economist currently serving as Director of Research at Free the People Foundation. He received his Master’s degree in economics from Georgia State University in 2011, before promptly setting out for DC to join the fight for individual liberty.Albright first developed these dangerous ideas during his time at Oberlin College, where his contrarian nature drove him into countless hours of heated debate at this bastion of progressive thought. When not railing against the evils of government, Logan enjoys craft beer, weird music, and conspicuous facial hair.The American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, was founded in 1933 as the first independent voice for sound economics in the United States. Today it publishes ongoing research, hosts educational programs, publishes books, sponsors interns and scholars, and is home to the world-renowned Bastiat Society and the highly respected Sound Money Project. The American Institute for Economic Research is a 501c3 public charity.

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