READ [EBOOK] Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the Way We Cooked

Description of Grandma's Wartime Kitchen: World War II and the Way We Cooked
Review �Grandma�s Wartime Kitchen brings the reader a feast of memories as well as the comforting recipes that nourished Americans through the difficult years of World War II. Whether or not you remember Victory Gardens and ration books, you will recognize the recipes as family favorites and find this taste of the past as delicious as ever.��� � � NATHALIE DUPREE, author of Nathalie Dupree�s Comfortable Entertaining: At Home with Ease and Grace'Grandma�s Wartime Kitchen is much more than a nostalgic cookbook. It is a cultural history that takes us right back to 1941-45 when home cooks�many of them interviewed here� supported the war effort while feeding their families. Joanne Hayes has unearthed perfectly marvelous recipes for treasures such as Macaroni Goldenrod, Pork-U-Pines, and Maple Tapioca that show how women made do�and then some�with the scarcities of food rationing.��� �� MARION NESTLE, PH.D., M. P. HProfessor and Chair, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, New York University�Fascinating, informative, and delicious. Grandmas Wartime Kitchen is much more than a collection of wonderful recipes from Grandma�s recipe file. It tells us how the recipes got there. I never realized how much the way they cooked then influenced how we cook today.��� � MERLE ELLIS, author of The Great American Meat Book�In Grandma�s Wartime Kitchen you�ll discover that the forties cook wanted just what today's cook wants�recipes that are heathful and, most important, fast! Joanne Lamb Hayes brings to life a bygone era�one that inspired creativity in the kitchen.��� � � BONNIE TANDY LEBLANG, R.D., C.C.P., internationally syndicated daily food columnist and author of Express Lane Cooking: A Simple Solution to What's for Dinner � Read more

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