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Review 'Every Day Is Extra offers a detailed record of an important life . . . it is frank, thoughtful and clearly written. . . . What lingers are not the parts but the whole; not the life, but the man. . . . A bittersweet reminder of what the country once demanded of its leaders.� Author: Gideon Rose Source: The New York Times Book Review�In these pages Kerry shows remarkable honesty, depth, even spirituality. . . . There is remarkable poignancy � not the usual currency of the career politician and the country�s top diplomat.� Author: David M. Shribman Source: The Boston Globe'The strength of Kerry�s memoir is that it draws back the curtain on a life you thought you knew, but turns out to be a bit different. . . . A�surprisingly personal book.' Author: David Ignatius Source: The Washington Post�The�difference between memoir and autobiography can be fuzzy, but Every Day Is Extra . . . has both the reflective candor of the former and the painstaking, chronological detail of the latter.�� Source: The New Yorker'Kerry saw U.S. power much as he saw his own privilege: as a call to service. His memoir gives a comprehensive and, in places, moving account of his response to that call. People disagree over the wisdom and effectiveness of U.S. foreign policy in the Kerry years, but there can be no serious dispute about the integrity and patriotism that Kerry brought to the job.' Source: Foreign Affairs�Fine reading for politics junkies, especially those with an interest in how policy is made. . . . A�smart look at not just [Kerry's] life, but also our times.' Source: Kirkus Reviews�[A] fine memoir. . . . This book reveals a man of quiet, passionate patriotism, immense intelligence, and thoughtfulness.� Source: Publishers Weekly (starred review)'The war hero, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate has plenty to write about � and to be right about.' Source: The Guardian (US) Read more About the Author John Forbes Kerry is a former Secretary of State and five-term US�Senator. Kerry is the author of�Every Day Is Extra, A Call to Service: My Vision for a Better America, The New War, and�the best-selling This Moment on Earth.�He is currently a Distinguished Fellow for Global Affairs at Yale University as well as the inaugural Visiting Distinguished Statesman for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, have two daughters, three sons, and seven grandchildren. Read more

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