[PDF EBOOK EPUB] How to Talk to Anyone: How Anyone Can Master the Art of Small Talk, Build Stronger Communication and Make a Killer First Impression

Description for How to Talk to Anyone: How Anyone Can Master the Art of Small Talk, Build Stronger Communication and Make a Killer First Impression
Master The Unwritten Code of Social Skills, Improve Your Charisma, and Little-Known Hacks to Connect with Anyone Effortlessly.Are you a "Nervous Ned" (or "Nervous Nellie") when it comes to networking? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak?Then it's time you mastered the Art of Small Talk with this book.With practical advice and conversation cheat sheets, this book will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of social situation, from lunch with the boss to an association event to a cocktail party where you don't know a soul.With this groundbreaking book, you’ll learn how to:Start a conversation even when you think you have nothing to sayAvoid foot-in-mouth diseaseStable your shaky knees and dry your sweaty palmsPrevent pregnant pauses and awkward silencesAdopt listening skills that will make you a better conversationalistApproach social functions with confidenceFeel more at ease at parties, meetings, job interviews, and trade showsTransform unpleasant emotions into powerful dialogueTurn every conversation into an opportunity for successImagine being able to walk into a crowded room and completely work it. Imagine being confident in moving to a new city and being able to make friends in no time. Imagine going up to the hottest girl you see and conversing as if you are talking to your best friend.How to Talk to Anyone gets you past the hard parts of dialogue and helps you achieve relationships that are real, productive, and that will enrich your life and career.Click "Add to Cart" to receive your book instantly and unlock your natural charisma!

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