Download [PDF] It's OK to Say They: Tips for Educator Allies of Transgender and Nonbinary Students

Description of It's OK to Say They: Tips for Educator Allies of Transgender and Nonbinary Students
Review It's OK to Say 'They' is a must-read for educators everywhere. Whittlesey seamlessly interweaves practical, accessible tips for allies with educational (and sometimes heartbreaking) first-person accounts from students. By enacting this book's suggestions for improving trans inclusivity in the classroom and beyond, educators have the opportunity to change and even save students' lives. --Molly Woodstock, gender educator and host of the Gender Reveal podcast. As a nonbinary person who often had to make the difficult choice between expressing my own gender identity or protecting my personal safety in school, I am beyond grateful that this trailblazing book exists as a resource for educators and ultimately the well being of our youth. Compassionate and supportive teachers can create relationships with LGBTQ youth that have lasting impacts. This book equips our educators with knowledge and understanding that can quite literally save lives.--Fernando Z. L�pez, executive director, San Diego LGBT Pride It's OK to Say 'They' is an essential read for educators looking to be an ally for ALL students. The tips of practice are spot-on, and the accounts from student experiences formidable. This book comes at a time when our schools need to improve our practices to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. Praise for Dr. Whittlesey as a fierce advocate on this topic.--Dr. Molly McMahon, principal, South Row Elementary School As a parent of two nonbinary children who both use they/them/ their pronouns and the coordinator of social emotional learning for a public school system, I enthusiastically recommend this thoughtful and helpful book! It is an invaluable resource for educators and parents. The more we understand youth who identify as transgender and nonbinary, the better we can support their academic, social, and emotional success. --Larainne M. Wilson, MEd, coordinator of social emotional learning and counseling, Chelmsford High School Finally! All educators want to provide support to transgender and nonbinary students, but most are not really sure how to do so. This groundbreaking book provides detailed strategies and language to support all students. Hearing directly from students within the book not only makes it more powerful but will open your eyes as to what they go through on a daily basis. It's OK to Say 'They' will work great as the subject for a professional study group or as the basis for much-needed professional development. --Matthew L. Beyranevand, EdD, math teacher and author of Teach Math Like This, Not Like That and Adding Parents to the Equation This book is a must-read for anyone who works with children! As teachers, we are here to educate and make our students feel loved, safe, and accepted. We must continue to do what is best for ALL students. This book shows the importance of educators making the slightest changes in order to become allies to transgender and nonbinary students. These changes in how we address and accept all students can have lasting effects.--Kristine Jussaume, fourth-grade teacher, Norman E. Day School The powerful insights and practices provided by this book remind us of our tremendous responsibility to turn anxiety into hope, insecurity into determination, and isolation into welcome.--Bernie Bluhm, MEd, New England College Thank you, Dr. Whittlesey, for giving me a practical approach to creating a learning environment where students of all back- grounds feel safe, included, and welcomed! The personal accounts of those interviewed paired with your straightforward strategies have allowed me to promote an inclusive educational atmosphere where all can thrive socially, emotionally, and intellectually.--Leah M. Ferullo, EdD, Winchester Public Schools Read more

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