READ [EBOOK] In Awe: Beatles, Baseball, & Bourbon - Appreciating Spectacular and Simple Stuff

Description of In Awe: Beatles, Baseball, & Bourbon - Appreciating Spectacular and Simple Stuff
Review 'I don't think Milwaukee knows the national treasure we have in Steve Palec. The capital of Wisconsin isn't Madison; it's Steve Palec. He's a friend--a brother--to anyone who needs one. The guy is just amazing! It's hard to put into words who Steve is and that's why I'm as excited as anyone to read his story. I hope you are, too.' -LeRoy Butler #36, Green Bay Packers (Retired)'Steve Palec is one of the most interesting and remarkable people who I have met in my long career and I congratulate him on his extraordinary accomplishments.' -Allan H (Bud) Selig, Commissioner Emeritus, MLB'Steve is a great guy! He has been able to maintain his love for music along with a successful business career for many years. That is not easy, but speaks to his passion. He is thoughtful, too. I still have that Stevie Wonder aircheck he made for me many, many years ago.' -Greg Marcus, President and CEO, Marcus Corporation'Steve is so Milwaukee in all the good ways that Milwaukee and the Midwest are. Midwesterners are nice people and genuine and that fits Steve perfectly. He's authentic.' - Jessob Reisbeck, Anchor, WJLA TV ABC'The real entrepreneurs of the music industry moved to movies. The people who took over were into the spotlight and the money, but not the music. It was like a cancer. The fever and meat weren't there anymore. Steve Palec rejuvenates the realness of what it once was. The meaning of it all comes back through his show. It brings me back to the reality of what the artistry was. He breathes new life into it-life after death.' -Reed Kailing, Musician and Actor'When I think about Steve's next chapter, I think, 'Who the heck knows!' There are so many possibilities. He's a perfect example of who, when I think about him, I say, 'I don't know what's next, but it's gonna be good.' He's Milwaukee through and through. He's proud of and excited about our city. He knows everybody everywhere. He's a hometown guy (who travels to Kentucky for the best bourbon).' -Nicole Koglin, Fox 6 News'Steve fits in this city. A city of this size couldn't hold Steve's interest for so long if it was not also open to change, growth, and great sports. The city is good for Steve and he's good for the city. He's world-class entertainment-an eclectic person with wide-ranging tastes. You can take him at face value. He is who he is and I don't think that will ever change.' -Scott Paulus, Director of Photography, Milwaukee Brewers'Steve Palec is my dear friend; he's a true foodie, a sports enthusiast, and definitely quirky. His eyes see the world through a unique lens. He's lived a colorful life and has worked hard for what he has. I think he's hit a point in his life where he is able to reflect, be grateful, and embrace and enjoy every day and everything about every day when the alarm clock wakes him for the world. He's there for the ride; he's there to enjoy it. And now we can, too, in his story!' -Kathleen O'Leary, CEO, Wisconsin State Fair Park'Everybody in town knows Steve Palec, but they don't really know him. I imagine that's what happens to most luminaries with a vehicle. They know that persona, personality, and voice (literal and figurative). He goes so deep on everything he does. You can't not be impressed with him.' -Jay Filter, Photographer and Creative Director Read more About the Author STEVE PALEC's friend, LeRoy Butler, may have said it best. The capital of Wisconsin is not Madison, it's Steve. Born and raised in Milwaukee by immigrant parents, Steve is a first-generation American who began his love of music on February 9, 1964. The Beatlemania that encompassed much of the world also grabbed the attention of the then seven-year-old and never let go. Steve was obsessed with the exciting new music he heard on the radio daily. In addition, his love of sports had him fascinated with the legendary sportscasters he listened to intently. Between music and sports, he found himself from a very young age practicing for his lifelong career in broadcasting long before he even knew it would happen. Unable to make up his mind between sports and music, he chose both. Steve began his on-air work in his high school days and has been a Milwaukee radio personality since the '70s, even winning a national ADDY award. He has worked in the music industry and interviewed artists, as well as radio broadcast journalism covering Milwaukee area professional sports teams. In June of 1987, Rock & Roll Roots, a Milwaukee institution, was created and Palec's baritone has provided its voice for all of its thirty-two years, missing only one live show in the three plus decades. His weekly Sunday morning history of music show is one of the longest running programs on Milwaukee radio. In addition to his now total forty-five-year career on the air, Steve has overlapped a second successful profession in commercial real estate for the last thirty-five years. He's worked for multinational firms, run his own company, brokered deals with high profile corporations and individuals, and today serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for Irgens, a large and respected real estate development firm in Wisconsin and Arizona. As such a prominent Wisconsin personality, Palec has used his network and talents to better his city and state through personal, professional, and philanthropic movements as often as possible. He has served on the boards for respected institutions including the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame and the Hunger Task Force; served as a contributing blogger for OnMilwaukee; participated as a judge at the Wisconsin State Fair Sporkies; held fundraisers for numerous worthy health and community causes; and emceed important events for organizations and non-profit enterprises. Steve's personal experiences in radio and real estate have provided a lifetime of amazing stories, relationships, and experiences that truly do read like the lyrics of a great American song. Despite his life of awe and famed friendships, though, it is the simple things that continue to bring him the most joy: his amazing wife, Aleta; their five children, Joe, Haley, Jaimie, Steph, and Ben; his dog, Luke; and his good friends. It is with these loved ones you can find Steve taking in a great game at Miller Park or Lambeau Field, often with a bourbon in his hand. It is his hope that, through this book, others can learn to experience joy, laughter, and awe in all that life has to offer. Learn more about Steve at more than two decades in writing, editing, layout, publishing, co-authoring, teaching, marketing, and author coaching and consulting, Reji is retiring from the industry to rediscover a time when her art was done for the sake of the art, rather than as a business. She is thrilled and honored to have worked on 'In Awe' as her final biography and co-author partnership and is immensely proud of what she and Steve, her now-friend, were able to create in these pages. While the power of words continues to be a personal passion, Reji-a wife, mother, pet-lover, and veteran Air Force linguist-looks forward to enjoying her Wisconsin life through service, travel, music, languages, and time spent taking in sports, nature, arts, church, and home life with family, friends, and loved ones. Though Reji intends to return to her roots in playwriting, children's books, and fantasy fiction (as a hobby!), she also wants to continue helping people find fulfillment and connection through story and she desires her lessons, processes, and unique creative methods to remain available to prospective authors. To preserve her approaches, the same tools that earned Reji 10 personal #1 Bestsellers (so far) out of nearly 60 publications, led another 70 authors to their #1 Bestsellers, managed more than 80 projects with independent and traditional authors and publishers, and coached thousands of writers over the years, will be available for free on her website (www.bucketlisttobookshelf) or in bargain-priced book resources. Those resources can be picked up on Amazon and other online retailers, along with many titles from her extensive backlist of books across a wide variety of genres. Read more

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