[PDF EBOOK EPUB] A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi (revised, 2020)

Description for A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi (revised, 2020)
Review 'An entertaining picture of Denis Kelly battling his demons and having a pretty good time doing it.' From Tricycle Magazine 'Written with extraordinary heart and skill, this book chronicles the making of an Integral Zen master. Jun Po's life has been as unpredictable as it has been astounding. Jun Po's dedication to exploring his own psychological shadows in light of his own awakening consciousness is the story of our times, and is an absolute must-read for anyone with even a passing interest in human evolution, and it was brought together brilliantly by Keith.' Ken Wilber, author of Integral Spirituality'This is a legendary story of an inspiring teacher that mirrors the journey of many contemporary Western seekers. A flash of white light from psychedelic theophanies leads to a lifetime's pursuit of enlightenment under the Buddha dharma prayer flag.' Alex Grey, artist & author of Transformations, Sacred Mirrors, and The Mission of Art 'Martin-Smith keeps Kelly's story rolling on a fast track, just as the man's life has been lived--the women, the violence, the good times, the regrets, the fear, and loathing, all are recounted. There is something in this book for everyone: spiritual seekers and unrepentant sinners alike will find Kelly's ride hilarious, frustrating, poignant, and thoroughly human. The result of the journey is a new unique form of spiritual practice that Kelly, now a cancer survivor in his seventies who leads international workshops, calls 'Mondo Zen'--'the radical invention that brought Zen into the twenty-first century and fully into the West.' Barbara Bamberger Scott, Foreword Reviews'This book provides a provocative window into one of the more controversial Zen Masters of our generation, and will not fail to touch and inspire those who read it. Jun Po Roshi has lived a life of amazing fullness. Few have risen to such heights of notoriety and wealth in their youth and given back so much wisdom and service later in life. His greatest gift is his continuing effort to discover the best way to transmit the ancient wisdom of Zen into the 21st Century.' Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, author of Big Mind Big Heart: Finding Your Way'This is the real life saga of a true spiritual warrior. What is so fascinating about Jun Po Roshi's story is that it describes, at times with painful honesty, the challenges of warriorship in the strange new world of postmodernity. This biography is a time capsule colorfully and poignantly conveying the powerful emergence and evolution of a cultural revolution from the inside out.' Andrew Cohen, founder EnlightenNext, author of Evolutionary Enlightenment Read more

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