Download [PDF] Keepers of Memory: The Holocaust and Transgenerational Identity (Lexington Studies in Jewish Literature)

Description of Keepers of Memory: The Holocaust and Transgenerational Identity (Lexington Studies in Jewish Literature)
Review Jennifer Rich has opened up an entire new area of scholarly inquiry into the problem of transmitting memory over the generations as the Holocaust recedes into history. Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi have described the Holocaust as a war against memory. Rich has provided us with a means of responding to that assault. This is indeed a profoundly important book. (David Patterson, Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas at Dallas)Keepers of Memory grapples with how the Holocaust has shaped the lives of children and grandchildren of survivors. Eschewing facile answers, Jennifer Rich provides a compelling analysis of why some descendants narrate the transmission of their memories as ones defined largely by trauma, while others emphasize empowerment and hope. (Judith Gerson, Rutgers University)Jennifer Rich' excellent study reminds readers of the rich and diverse complexity involved in studying the impact of the Holocaust on the children and grandchildren of Shoah survivors. Trauma, yes. But also feelings of empowerment and a commitment to teach about and pass on memory of the Shoah and its impact on identity. Rich, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, carefully distinguishes what unites and what separates the second and third generations. She has given readers a gift of insight into how memory interacts with facts tin seeking a coherent narrative. (Alan Berger, Raddock Eminent Scholar, chair of holocaust studies and director of the Center for Values and Violence After Auschwitz, Florida Atlantic University) Read more About the Author Jennifer Rich is director of the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and assistant professor of sociology at Rowan University in New Jersey. Read more

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