Download [PDF] How the Few Became the Proud: Crafting the Marine Corps Mystique 1874-1918 (Transforming War)

Description for How the Few Became the Proud: Crafting the Marine Corps Mystique 1874-1918 (Transforming War)
Review 'How the Few Became the Proud fills an important void in Marine Corps histories. Historians have tended to overlook the period between the Civil War and the First World War as a time of retrenchment in thought and a lack of innovation, with the Corps suddenly emerging on the military scene just in time for World War I. Venable adroitly illustrates how the Corps used this period to define its mission its image as an elite fighting force, often in spite of political and social obstacles. Her work serves as important contribution to the story of how the Marine Corps has continued to evolve.' --Chipp Reid, USMC historian, author of Intrepid Sailors, Walls of Derne and co-author Lion in the Bay'Well balanced and thoroughly researched, Heather Venable's study offers crucial new insight into how the United States Marine Corps truly shaped its institutional identity and made itself a permanent fixture in the nation's defense and the loyalty of its citizens.' --Bradford A. Wineman, Professor of Military History, Marine Corps University'Heather Venable has written a well-researched cultural history on the evolution of the Marine Corps from being an outmoded 19th century anachronism to its inception in the early 20th century as one of the nation's elite fighting forces. Venable's research demonstrates that not only did the Corps have to convince the American public they had changed, but they also had to convince themselves. A must read for all students of Marine Corps history.' --Charles P. Neimeyer, Ph.D., Author of War in the Chesapeake, Fleet Support Program, Naval War College Read more About the Author Heather Venable is an assistant professor of military and security studies in the Department of Airpower at the United States Air Force's Air Command and Staff College. As a visiting professor at the U.S. Naval Academy, she taught naval and Marine Corps history. She received her Ph.D. in military history from Duke University. Read more

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