[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Dear Neil Armstrong: Letters to the First Man from All Mankind (Purdue Studies in Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Description of Dear Neil Armstrong: Letters to the First Man from All Mankind (Purdue Studies in Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Review �These letters written to Neil Armstrong, the commander of the first Moon landing, offer a compelling time capsule into public perceptions of the event. Historian James R. Hansen has assembled and edited this collection to bring out the thrill at the time as well as the lasting meaning of reaching the Moon.� (Roger D. Launius, author of Reaching for the Moon: A Short History of the Space Race)�Dear Neil Armstrong traces the First Man�s journey after Apollo 11, navigating the sometimes difficult, sometimes colorful world of public life, while trying to maintain some semblance of privacy. It�s a compelling vision of what the world expected from the first moonwalker and how he tried to live his life post-fame. A must-read for all Armstrong-philes, as well as those seeking insight into the tall order he had to fill as a public servant after Apollo.� (Emily Carney, Founder of the Facebook Space Hipsters Group)�From the deeply philosophical to the flippant and goofy, reactions to Neil Armstrong's first steps on the Moon were as varied as the people who followed the historic mission. The amount of unwanted advice and requests for gifts the Apollo 11 commander received is breathtaking and revealing. More touching are the many letters from people who wanted instead to do something for him, as a way of expressing their deep admiration and respect. These letters show that no matter what immense technological achievements take place, human nature, in all its quirky glory, will remain entertaining and unpredictable.� (Francis French, author of In the Shadow of the Moon) Read more About the Author James R. Hansen is professor emeritus of history at Auburn University in Alabama. An expert in aerospace history and the history of science and technology, Hansen has published a dozen books and numerous articles covering a wide variety of topics, including the early days of aviation, the history of aerospace engineering, NASA, the moon landings, the Space Shuttle program, and China�s role in space. His book First Man, which is the only authorized biography of Neil Armstrong, spent three weeks as a New York Times best seller in 2005 and 2018, and garnered a number of major book awards, including a nomination for a Pulitzer Prize. Translations of First Man have been published in over twenty languages. A Universal Studios film adaptation of the book hit the silver screen in October 2018, with Academy Award winner Damien Chazelle (La La Land) directing the film and actor Ryan Gosling starring as Armstrong. Hansen served as coproducer for the film. Over the years Hansen has served on a number of important advisory boards and panels, including the Research Advisory Board for the National Air and Space Museum, Editorial Advisory Board for the Smithsonian Institution Press, and Advisory Board for the Archives of Aerospace Exploration at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He also is a past vice president of the Virginia Air and Space Museum in Hampton, Virginia. For the past ten years he has served on the National Air and Space Museum Trophy Selection Board. His experience as an academic and public speaker has been wide-ranging both topically and geographically; he frequently serves as keynote speaker, panelist, and lecturer on a wide variety of topics in the history of science and technology. Read more

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