Download PDF Ebook Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life

Description of Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
Review Praise for�Nassim�Nicholas Taleb � �The problem with Taleb is not that he�s an asshole. He is an asshole. The problem with Taleb is that he is right.��Dan from Prague, Czech Republic (Twitter) � �The most prophetic voice of all . . . [Taleb is] a genuinely significant philosopher . . . someone who is able to change the way we view the structure of the world through the strength, originality and veracity of his ideas alone.��John Gray, GQ � �Taleb grabs on to core problems that others ignore, or don�t see, and shakes them like an attack dog on a leg.��Greg from New York (Twitter) � �For my wife and me, Antifragile is an annual reread.��Colle from Richmond, Virginia (Twitter) � �I read Antifragile four times. First, to get the wisdom to survive. Second, as a memorial statement for Fat Tony. Third, as Das Kapital with correct mathematics. Fourth, as ethics to learn a good way to die.��Tamitake from Tokyo, Japan (Twitter) � �November . . .�time for my annual reread of Antifragile.��Johann from Vienna, Austria (Twitter) � �[Taleb writes] in a style that owes as much to Stephen Colbert as it does to Michel de Montaigne.��The Wall Street Journal Read more About the Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb spent twenty-one years as a risk taker before becoming a researcher in philosophical, mathematical, and (mostly) practical problems with probability. Although he spends most of his time as a fl�neur, meditating in caf�s across the planet, he is currently Distinguished Professor at New York University�s Tandon School of Engineering. His books, part of a multivolume collection called Incerto, have been published in thirty-six languages. Taleb has authored more than fifty scholarly papers as backup to Incerto, ranging from international affairs and risk management to statistical physics. Having been described as �a rare mix of courage and erudition,� he is widely recognized as the foremost thinker on probability and uncertainty. Taleb lives mostly in New York. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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