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Description of The Battle of Leyte Gulf at 75: A Retrospective
Review ?This is a book for specialists ... [and] a good addition to any library dealing with World War II and the nature of the war in the Pacific. And from this standpoint, the book is highly recommended.? ?'The U.S. Navy's step-by-step campaign across the Pacific culminated in the Battle for Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history. It was simultaneously a climax of successes--the Battle of Surigao Strait stands out--errors--when Admiral Halsey took his whole fleet north--and mysteries--why Admiral Kurita turned back when the way was open to strike the landings on Leyte. This anthology compiled and contributed to by Tom Cutler is as entertaining as it is instructive.' --Captain Wayne P. Hughes, Jr, USN (Retired), author of Fleet Tactics and Dean Emeritus of the Naval Postgraduate School'An especially inspirational and authoritative 75th anniversary retrospective by renowned authors and historians of the controversial battle that changed the course of World War II in the Pacific. An essential resource for any study of this pivotal episode in modern military history.' --Edward J. Marolda, Former Director of Naval History (Acting)'Following up on his outstanding narrative of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Thomas Culter marshals this remarkable and engaging collection of essays by a superlative cast of historians on the multiple facets of that titanic sea fight. These explore the fierce controversies among the top commanders, but do not neglect the lesser participants. The essays are supplemented with judiciously selected articles on the battle published over many decades, including accounts by Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr. and Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid. This belongs in any library about the Pacific War.' --Richard B. Frank, an internationally recognized Asia-Pacific War historian, is the author of Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire Read more About the Author THOMAS J. CUTLER is a former Gunner's Mate Second Class and retired Lieutenant Commander who has been serving the U.S. Navy in various capacities for more than fifty years. He currently holds the U.S. Naval Institute's Gordon England Chair of Professional Naval Literature and is a Fleet Professor of Strategy and Policy with the Naval War College. He is the author of many articles and books, including A Sailor's History of the U.S. Navy and several editions of The Bluejacket's Manual. Read more

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