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Description for Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith through a Volcanic Future
Review Just as seismic pressure forces magma to rise through the crust of solid rocks, creating a massive volcanic eruption, in Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith through a Volcanic Future, Dr. Leonard Sweet reveals to us the compounding, cataclysmic, global pressure points that produce a future world on fire. I encourage every Christian leader to read this earthshaking book and learn what it will take to walk in faith through a future world that will soon be upon us. Put down your old ministry maps and pick up Rings of Fire today! (Dr. James O. Davis, cofounder of Global Church Network, founder of Cutting Edge International)Len Sweet has once again written a guide for the future by asking questions we all need to answer. Rings of Fire: Walking in Faith through a Volcanic Future looks at the past, present, and then into the future to challenge the church to choose faith over fear and become all God meant for her to be. (Dave Ferguson, visionary for NewThing, coauthor of Hero Maker)Twenty years ago, I read SoulTsunami, and my soul was saturated by Len Sweet�s inspiring vision of a future church that could swim in the fluid culture of the twenty-first century. Now, Rings of Fire has set my brain ablaze as he describes the spiritual hot zones that await twenty-second-century Christ followers. If you�re ready to learn how to fight fire with the Spirit�s fire, read this powerful book by my favorite holy arsonist. (Tim Lucas, founder and lead pastor of Liquid Church, author of Liquid Church: 6 Powerful Currents to Saturate Your City for Christ)What used to be a nice song has turned into a fiery reality. The world of the twenty-second century is a global ring of fire. Len Sweet?semiotician, storyteller, and prophetic seer of the future?masterfully helps us make sense of this new world full of erupting volcanoes. He guides us through the hot zones and hot topics of our day and shows us how to embrace this volcanic culture as followers of Jesus. This brilliant and timely book serves as a first responder�s manual to a blazing new landscape. It is the primer for all who desire an eruptive faith, one that keeps up with Jesus while inviting others to God�s fire to get warm. This book will assist and enable the church of the future to walk on lava! (Stephan Joubert, Extraordinary Professor of Contemporary Ecclesiology at University of the Free State, editor of Ekerk)The gift of Len Sweet is the compelling way he draws us into current and future spiritual realities with imagery, facts, and bold prophetic vision. This book is his best so far (and they are all good). Rings of Fire is the shaking we need as the world shifts beneath us, as we wonder about the future of the church. Sweet not only demonstrates how twelve major social domains will impact the next century but also suggests strategic ways to embrace the fire. (Dr. MaryKate Morse, mentor and author)Leonard Sweet is a prophet of sorts: He speaks of things he sees. We often hold prophets at bay because they challenge us with words describing a future that has yet to arrive. But when you find a prophet who regularly nails it, you pay close attention to what they say since you know that you will likely intersect with that future. Leonard Sweet�s voice is so critically important for us to hear and embrace, because what he has seen and spoken will have a great impact on our lives, and he has already begun to identify how we should respond to a future that is rapidly settling on us. (Glenn Burris, president of The Foursquare Church)Too often in contemporary times, �Christian thought� is a practical oxymoron. For some, the exercising of faith is the relinquishing of curiosity and query that is at the center of sound thought process. Thank God for Len Sweet and his eternally curious mind. It is impossible to read Len Sweet and not think about what it means to be a person of faith. In Rings of Fire, Sweet guides us through multiple places of present and potential eruption in the world in which we live and profess faith. Many of these places influence and confront us every day, but we have detached them from our sense of being faithful. It is inescapable: We and our faith are definitely �in the world� (John 17:11). (Gary Simpson, associate professor of homiletics at Drew Theological School, leading pastor at The Concord Baptist Church of Christ) Read more From the Back Cover What Lies Ahead for Christians and the World?If you follow the works of bestselling authors Malcolm Gladwell, Faith Popcorn, Daniel Pink, and other trend forecasters, you�ll appreciate learning about the more than 25 rings of fire that lie ahead for Christians and the world. In the face of eruptive and disruptive changes in technology, communications, bioethics, and beyond, how do we fight fire with fire, not only catching up to our culture but also leading our friends and neighbors toward God?No one has done more to startle the church from its slumber than Len Sweet, and no one has equipped the church as effectively. This is a benchmark book from a seminal leader of the modern evangelical movement.More than 25 game-changing and century-defining �rings of fire�Stimulating questions for reflection and discussion from scholar and pastor Mark Chironna Read more

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