READ [EBOOK] New Grit: Startups in America's Comeback Cities

Description of New Grit: Startups in America's Comeback Cities
Detroit, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Baltimore — at one time these were among the 20 most populous and important cities in the U.S. They helped build our national economy through much of the 20th century but have since struggled due to deindustrialization. As a result of their shared past, this group of former industrial powerhouse cities shares unique structural and cultural traits that make them fertile ground upon which to build a startup-driven resurgence; an outcome that would yield nationwide economic, social, and well-being benefits.A story of optimism and expectation, New Grit is a look inside the unique entrepreneurial fabric of these once-great rust belt cities. With stories and insights from AOL co-founder Steve Case, Startup Communities author Brad Feld, and 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, you will discover a sense of hope for comeback cities and gain an understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship in achieving this goal.You will love New Grit if you are: 1. A rust belt enthusiast looking for optimism for the future of this area 2. A politician or community leader looking for long-term considerations for your city’s sustained well-being 3. Interested in economic development and looking for an often-forgotten group of cities with considerable untapped potential 4. Interested in cities, startups, or startup community development 5. A millennial who can’t fathom the possibility of owning a home in your current city, looking for promise in places you hadn’t considered 6. Wondering how a community can dig itself out of a holeIf you are a fan of comebacks and underdogs, look no further. These cities are not just hoping for a resurgence. They know it's coming, and you should too.

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