Read PDF Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History

Description of Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History
Review “Democrats and the media continue to just lie through their teeth. What we�ve lived through? are still living through?has been a coup from the get-go. It is a plot to overthrow President Trump. There are so few people telling the whole truth about this; Gregg Jarrett is.” (Rush Limbaugh)“Gregg Jarrett has done it again by writing a superb follow-up book to his number one bestseller, The Russia Hoax. His stunning account of how unelected officials plotted in the shadows to influence an election, sabotage a duly elected president, and drive him from office should alarm all Americans.” (Sean Hannity)“If for no other reason, one should read Gregg Jarrett�s new book, Witch Hunt, for its excellent and penetrating analysis of the Mueller Report. In-depth and comprehensive, Jarrett�s breakdown unmasks the false narrative still being peddled by Democrats and the media.” (Joseph DiGenova, Former Independent Counsel and U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia)“Witch Hunt is both a riveting account of abuse of authority and a reminder of just how fragile our democracy can be. Jarrett thoroughly and convincingly paints a scary picture of officials at the highest levels of our federal government breaching the trust of the people in an attempt to undermine Trump�s presidency and remove him from office.” (Jon A. Sale, Criminal Defense Attorney and Former Assistant Watergate Prosecutor)“Witch Hunt is a spectacular compendium�.an encyclopedia of what went on in the biggest hoax and scandal in American history. I highly recommend it; it is an awesome book.” (Dan Bongino)�When this moment in history finally passes, history will have Gregg Jarrett�s�Witch Hunt�to remind � on the record � of what really happened and who, really, was responsible for this disgrace.� (American Spectator) Read more About the Author Gregg Jarrett is the New York Times best-selling author of The Russia Hoax. He is a legal and political analyst for Fox News, and was an anchor at the network for fifteen years. Before joining Fox News, he was an anchor and correspondent for MSNBC and an anchor at Court TV.� He is a former trial attorney.� He lives in Connecticut.� Read more

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