(PDF) Ebook On the Trail of Clay Shaw: The Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK

Description for On the Trail of Clay Shaw: The Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK
Fruit of 15 years of thorough research, Metta’s inquiry into the killing of JFK is based on new exclusive documents. His work is so valuable that he got public praise from the acclaimed director Oliver Stone during The Lucca Film Festival, who accented how it unmasks the fascist roots of the conspiracy; on Facebook, from Stone’s son Sean, actor, filmmaker, and TV host, who described Metta’s findings as the NATO / Gladio side of the JFK hit; on Black Op Radio, from James DiEugenio, one of the best experts on Jim Garrison, who stressed its high quality; on DiEugenio’s website, from the British essayist Philip Willan, author of the appreciated Puppetmasters, who highlighted Metta’s ability to spot a common thread between the plot against John Kennedy and the plot against the Italian leader, and JFK’s friend, Aldo Moro. Same praise came from Cynthia McKinney’s Twitter account. For the former US congresswoman and Green Party Presidential Candidate in 2008, Metta’s investigation is a must. Besides, the important Italian monthly Bibliomanie published an essay by Professor Marika Martina who underlines the centrality of Metta’s studies on Centro Mondiale Commerciale to understand the true matrix of the darkest pages in international history since the 1960s. METTA'S BIO: Michele Metta lives in Rome. He is a historian, and a journalist for l’AntiDiplomatico, Italian newspaper where he has distinguished himself for being author of a large number of scoops. Islainfinita is his film production company. He held a symposium on his book in the Italian city of Bari, at the prestigious Aldo Moro University, and was a speaker at the annual DPUK Seminar, the foremost European event on the conspiracy against JFK. He wrote for the US magazine garrison about the links between Shaw’s Centro Mondiale Commerciale and the NATO stay-behind network. FROM DEBROSSE'S FOREWORD: "The resulting book is a major breakthrough in the JFK murder case, documenting startling new information that goes to the root of the complex and tangled international conspiracy behind the assassination. [...] Read Metta’s book carefully as well as his documentation. I think you’ll agree it marks a stunning leap forward in unraveling –at long last– the dark truth behind the murder that changed the course of modern American and international history." AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This author does agree with Gideon Levy's words: "We have to say the truth: The Israeli lobby, the Jewish lobby, are, by far, too strong and too aggressive. It’s not good for the Jewish community. It’s not good for Israel. What is happening now is that some kind of fresh air, some kind of new voices are emerging from Capitol Hill, raising legitimate questions about Israel, about America’s foreign policy toward Israel and about the Israeli lobby in the States. Those are very legitimate questions, and it is more than needed to raise them. But the Israeli propaganda and the Jewish propaganda in recent years made it as a systematic method, whenever anybody dares to raise questions or to criticize Israel, he is immediately and automatically labeled as anti-Semite, and then he has to shut his mouth, because after this, what can he say? This vicious circle should be broken. And I really hope that [...] others will be courageous enough to stand in front those accusations and to say, 'Yes, it is legitimate to criticize Israel. Yes, it is legitimate to raise questions. And this does not mean that we are anti-Semites. We are not ready to play this game anymore, in which they shut our mouths with those accusations, which, in most of the cases, are hollow.'” That said, if, instead, you are an admirer of Hitler or Mussolini, I strongly invite you to NOT buy my book, because you are NOT my friend. Thank you.

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