READ [EBOOK] Truth or Dare? The Sexy Game of Naughty Choices: Hot and Wild Edition (Hot and Sexy Games)

Description of Truth or Dare? The Sexy Game of Naughty Choices: Hot and Wild Edition (Hot and Sexy Games)
Are you searching for an exciting adult game for a party, sexy night at home, or romantic vacation? Look no further and try this incredibly naughty version of Truth or Dare? You can play an intimate game with just your lover, or really expand the sexy possibilities and play with friends! To play, simply take turns with naughty questions and dirty dares such as these:Truth- Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you consider it? Who would you choose as your third?Dare- Fake an orgasm while looking into a player’s eyes.Truth- What’s the last sexual dream you had and what happened in it?Dare- Using someone else’s fingers, show them how and where you like to be touched.No matter what choices you make, you’re guaranteed to have deliciously naughty fun and sexy adventures. The longer you play, the HOTTER the Dares! Take turns enjoying sensual scenarios, trying new sex positions, and revealing secret fantasies! I DARE you not to get turned on while playing this sexy game!Whether you’re just dating, newlywed, or happily married, every couple wants an exciting and steamy sex life! This game is both kinky and wild, and your sex life will never be the same!Truth or Dare? Hot and Wild Edition is great for:Home date nights - Spark the passion and explore secret fantasiesAdult party game - Friends will never forget the sexiest party game everHeating things up in your relationship - Take your relationship to the next sexual levelRomantic weekend getaways! - Make it a trip you’ll always remember!Best of all, there are no complicated rules!It’s the perfect sexy gift for him or her! Great gift idea for an anniversary, birthday, honeymoon, Valentine’s Day, bridal shower, or bachelorette party!Scroll up to the top and click the “Buy Now” button to get your copy NOW!

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