READ [EBOOK] Caught in the Maelstrom: The Indian Nations in the Civil War, 1861-1865

Description of Caught in the Maelstrom: The Indian Nations in the Civil War, 1861-1865
Review �Clint Crowe joins the ranks of scholars who are bringing the conflict west of the Mississippi to the forefront of Civil War scholarship. His fine study of the war in the Indian Territory emphasizes continuity between inter-tribal divisions over removal from the East and decisions to support either the North or South. Crowe demonstrates how Native American secret societies, spawned by these divisions, shaped the course of the war, provides a full narrative of military operations and chronicles the tribulations of a people caught up in a larger struggle not of their making, who nevertheless proportionately suffered more than any other group in the Civil War. This is entertaining reading on an important topic.� (William Garrett Piston, co-author of Wilson�s Creek: The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who Fought It)�This is an excellent study of the intense conflict among Indian tribes and resulting military actions by Confederate and Union armies during the Civil War in Indian Territory. It is an important and complex story presented, explained, and analyzed with remarkable precision by Clint Crowe. Anyone seeking a true understanding of the war in the trans-Mississippi West must pay close attention to this book.� (T. Michael Parrish, Baylor University) Read more About the Author Dr. Clint Crowe is Assistant Professor of History and Political Science at Tulsa Community College. He was Dr. Daniel Sutherland�s student at the University of Arkansas. This book is based on his dissertation. He began this study with a Master�s thesis under Dr. Brad Agnew at Northeastern State University at Tahlequah, OK. Read more

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