(PDF) Ebook South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers (A Council on Foreign Relations Book)

Description for South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers (A Council on Foreign Relations Book)
Review At a critical moment for the alliance, Scott A. Snyder has done it again?producing an important work that both provides insightful historical perspectives of the relationship and also advances our understanding of South Korean strategic decision making. This latest contribution from Snyder will inform academics, policy makers, and those who follow the alliance in Washington, Seoul, and around the world. (Mark Lippert, U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Korea, 2014-2017)The dizzying developments on the Korean peninsula have assumed a central place in our national conversation as recent developments in both Pyongyang and Seoul remind us of the stakes in play for the United States in Asia. Scott Snyder, perhaps America's premier Korean watcher, has written an indispensable book about how to chart a course for America and South Korea in the complex period ahead. (Kurt M. Campbell, chairman and CEO, the Asia Group)South Korea at the Crossroads provides a lucid and expansive coverage of the major forces that have shaped and influenced South Korean diplomacy since its founding in 1948. Snyder emphasizes the contradictory forces that have shaped Seoul�s foreign policy through each administration, such as the pluses and minuses of geography, nationalism, and internationalism and the poles of autonomy and alliance. This volume will stand out as the best single-volume study on South Korean foreign policy. (Chung Min Lee, Yonsei University)In this history of South Korean foreign policy from the presidency of Syngman Rhee, who was in power from 1948 to 1960, through that of Park Geun-hye, who resigned last year, Snyder expertly describes the frustrations of a middle power that faces a persistent threat and depends on an inconsistent ally. (Foreign Affairs)A foundational text for anyone who wishes to learn about South Korea�s foreign policy choices. In particular, foreign policy stakeholders in the United States and China will find the book very helpful in making sense of Korea�s policy options and the potential determinants that influence the country�s strategic decision making. (International Affairs)Snyder's balanced analysis, readable style, and insightful and bold conclusions make South Korea at the Crossroads a tremendous contribution....This book is not to be missed. (38 North)Remarkably timely. . . . [Snyder's] rich and balanced treatment of South Korea and its US alliance gives readers a viewing point from which to look for themselves at the road ahead. (John Delury Global Asia)[A] solid introduction to the history of South Korea�s foreign policy. . . . Snyder is adept at describing the ups and downs in South Korea�s relationships with the U.S. and China, which illustrate his insightful thesis that there exists a �conflict between South Korea�s aspirations for autonomy and its need for alliance. (Publishers Weekly)Students of geopolitics will appreciate Snyder's thoughtful analysis of a troubled region. (Kirkus Reviews)This cogently presented work is essential for specialists of East Asian international relations and those interested in South Korea's historical and present-day foreign policy. (Library Journal) Read more About the Author Scott A. Snyder is senior fellow for Korea studies and director of the program on U.S.�Korea policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is coauthor of The Japan�South Korea Identity Clash: East Asian Security and the United States (Columbia, 2015) and author of Middle-Power Korea: Contributions to the Global Agenda (2015). Snyder was previously senior associate in the International Relations Program of the Asia Foundation, a specialist for the U.S. Institute of Peace, and an acting director of the Asia Society's Contemporary Affairs Program. Read more

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