READ [EBOOK] Metternich: Strategist and Visionary

Description for Metternich: Strategist and Visionary
Review �A superb biographical portrait and work of historical analysis�Basing his account on a wealth of new documentation from the family archive, Siemann locates the man firmly within the intertwined history of the Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburg monarchy�The most comprehensive, absorbing and authoritative biography of the man we have, defying the stereotypes that usually adhere to him. Let us hope that it will serve if not as a manual then at least as an inspiration?good statesmanship is needed more than ever.�?Brendan Simms, Wall Street Journal�This impressive biography is welcome. It covers every aspect of Metternich�s life with awealth of detail, and dishes up some delightful gems�The real strength of the book lies in its coverage of the internal politics of the Habsburg Empire, Metternich�s attempts to reorganize it and the power struggles at its heart after the death of Emperor Francis I in 1835.�?Adam Zamoyski, The Times�Vast in scope and profound in learning, Wolfram Siemann�s masterpiece, deftly translated by Daniel Steuer, refreshes every theme it touches and situates its protagonist in a landscape charged with texture and new meaning. At its center is a compelling and humane portrait of one of the most gifted and interesting statesmen of modern times. But this is more than a biography?it is a window into the heart of Europe�s nineteenth century.�?Christopher Clark, author of Iron Kingdom and The Sleepwalkers�Magisterial�As well as providing a first-rate intellectual biography and a spirited defense of his policies, Siemann reveals Metternich to us as a man of flesh and blood�If great biography, like great literature, permits us to peer into another person�s soul, then Siemann has succeeded admirably. The portrait of Metternich that emerges is one of a cosmopolitan rationalist and problem solver with empathetic qualities, rather than the die-hard reactionary of legend�As new tensions between the forces of nationalism and globalization emerge in our own day, Metternich�s efforts appear more relevant than ever.�?Mark Jarrett, Literary Review�Succeed[s] in forcing readers to wonder whether Metternich�s efforts to defend an essentially conservative order against populists and terrorists are so different from the struggles that liberal democracies face today.�?Andrew Moravcsik, Foreign Affairs�The first independent treatment of Metternich in the modern era. This was long overdue, and the scale of Siemann�s accomplishment would be hard to overstate�Siemann�s greatest achievement, however, lies in bringing new evidence to bear that changes our view of Metternich the statesman�Magnificent and fun to read�Metternich�s wait for a historian to properly judge his place in history took longer than he probably expected. But in Wolfram Siemann, he got his man.�?A. Wess Mitchell, Standpoint�[An] engaging and comprehensive biography�Excellent�Siemann has greatly advanced our knowledge of and admiration for [Metternich].�?Andrew Roberts, New Criterion�One of the best biographies to appear on the American market in 2019�[An] enormously interesting life of the great diplomat.�?Open Letters Review�So rich is this wonderful book in insight and information, so brilliantly does it illuminate Metternich�s exciting times, that no review can hope to do justice to its author�s achievement. Every general history of the period between the outbreak of the French Revolution and the revolutions of 1848 will need to be rewritten. It is a long book, but consistently stimulating, entertaining, even enthralling.�?Tim Blanning, GHIL Bulletin�[An] excellent biography�An exhaustive work of scholarship intended to set the historical record straight�History has credited him with crafting much of the European peace that lasted between 1815 and 1914; he deserves much more, and Siemann has given it to him.�?Washington Examiner Read more About the Author Wolfram Siemann, one of Germany�s leading historians of the nineteenth century, is Professor Emeritus for Modern and Contemporary History at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Read more

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