READ [EBOOK] Vakhmistrov's Circus: Zveno Combined Aircraft - The Projects, Development, Testing and Combat

Description for Vakhmistrov's Circus: Zveno Combined Aircraft - The Projects, Development, Testing and Combat
Review � � With pictures showing large, improvised wooden ramps built to allow the fighters to be moved up to their mounts on the upper wing of the bomber it could inspire some really interesting and impressive dioramas. A really interesting book and an intriguing topic.� (Military Model Scene)�A very well-produced book and an intriguing subject which would be great to see reproduced in model form � hint, hint!� (Military Modelling, Vol 47 No 5 2017)�Informative and entertaining at the same time�builders of Russian pre-war aviation, and modellers seeking more unusual subjects, will find this an invaluable reference.� (Airfix Model World)�More than 20 years was spent by the author researching the subject in the Russian archives and the result is an extensively illustrated volume comprising photographs, drawings and colour profiles. Fascinating from start to finish!� (Classic Wings) Read more About the Author Mikhail Maslov was born to the family of a serviceman in Mary (USSR, now Turkmenistan) in 1954, and was brought up in a town in the Urals. He graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (University) in 1982 with a degree in mechanical engineering and then worked as a structural design engineer at the Tupolev Design Bureau in 1982-86 and then transferred to the TsAGI engineering information department where took various posts, including that of a deputy head of the department. From the end of the 1990s he has been actively involved in the restoration of historical aircraft, including airworthy Po-2, I-15bis, I-153, I-16, DIT, and MiG-3 airplanes. During his work at Tupolev, Mikhail became interested in the history of Soviet aviation of the 1920-40 period and began the research and analysis of archive material. In the last 30 years of his enthusiastic work he has written numerous articles and several dozens of books on the history Soviet aircraft of that period. Read more

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