(PDF) Ebook Big Wonderful Thing: A History of Texas (Texas Bookshelf)

Description of Big Wonderful Thing: A History of Texas (Texas Bookshelf)
Review 'Harrigan, surveying thousands of years of history that lead to the banh mi restaurants of Houston and the juke joints of Austin, remembering the forgotten as well as the famous, delivers an exhilarating blend of the base and the ignoble, a very human story indeed. [Big Wonderful Thing is] as good a state history as has ever been written and a must-read for Texas aficionados.' (Kirkus, Starred Review)'Harrigan, essentially, is to Texas literature what Willie Nelson is to Texas music�Texas is an incredibly fascinating state�and Harrigan, who recognizes that the state's diversity is what makes it great, truly does it justice. Endlessly readable and written with great care, Big Wonderful Thing is just that.' (NPR 2019-09-30)'The great strength of Harrigan�s work is that he tells the stories of all the types of people who have lived in Texas, from its earliest days into modern times, with a sense that all of their lives mattered in fashioning the state�s identity.' (New York Review of Books 2019-10-03)'[Harrigan] has now given us a�no other word for it�Texas-sized book about the place he�s called home for decades. Lavishly illustrated, fully annotated, brimming with sass, intelligence, trenchant analysis, literary acumen and juicy details, it is a page-turner that can be read straight through or at random. It is big. It is popular history at its best.' (Wall Street Journal 2019-10-25)'Harrigan uses his stupendous storytelling skills to great effect [in Big Wonderful Thing]. He covers the state's major historical events from inventive angles, introduces newly discovered archaeological and archival research, and excels at puffing up many of Texas's larger-than-life personalities.' (Foreword Reviews, Starred Review)'Harrigan describes post-Columbian Texas in novelistic style in this eloquent homage to the Lone Star state...History lovers will enjoy this packed, fascinating account of a singular state.' (Publishers Weekly 2019-08-07)'The shelf that holds your Texana�T.R. Fehrenbach's 'Lone Star,' James Michener's fictionalized 'Texas'�may need to be reinforced. Harrigan�has a contender to sit beside those worthy tomes�Harrigan's Lone Star tales are embodied by people great and unknown, many of whom would not have registered in what he calls the 'revised standard version of Texas history.'' (San Antonio Express-News 2019-09-05)'Because it is so well told and because it embraces so much of the state�s charms and contradictions, Big Wonderful Thing is likely to define popular Texas history for the general reader for at least a generation to come.' (austin360 2019-09-27)'Harrigan is at his best when he concentrates on the state's abundance of big personalities, offering up a gallery of Texas scoundrels, psychopaths, and incompetents...[Harrigan] brings an appealing humility to the impossible task of cramming a raucous, vicious, glorious state into one big, wonderful book.' (Texas Observer 2019-09-30)'A big wonderful book�[Big Wonderful Thing] is fun to read. Harrigan knows how to tell a story that keeps the reader looking forward to the next one.' (Abilene Reporter-News 2019-09-26) Read more Review 'Stephen Harrigan has given us a wonderful new history of Texas. It tells us all we need to know and little that we don't need to know. A splendid effort.' (Larry McMurtry)'Big Wonderful Thing is history at its best�comprehensive, deeply informed, pleasurable, and filled with surprise and delight. It is at once a gift to the people of Texas and an unflinching explanation to the world at large of America�s most controversial state. The book itself is truly a big wonderful thing.' (Lawrence Wright)'No one tells the story of Texas better than Stephen Harrigan. He brings to Big Wonderful Thing contemporary and thoughtful analysis along with the most graceful writing anywhere. Harrigan pulls no punches but uses humor and pathos to examine the complexities and contradictions that have made us who we are. Finally, Texas has the rich and honest history it deserves.' (Mimi Swartz)'It's rare to find a book that so compellingly weds such deep research with brilliant storytelling. A masterwork and a Texas history for the ages, destined to become a classic.' (Dan Rather)'I am not sure which is the greater achievement here: digesting such a vast amount of historical data or making that gigantic wall of information fun to read. Because it certainly is the latter. I challenge the reader, in fact, to open to�any�page of this 829-page colossus and�not�have fun. It�s�all�interesting, and that is not hype.�Harrigan tacks brilliantly through the shifting winds of Texas history by telling a series of rip-snorting good tales.' (S.C. Gwynne, author of New York Times bestselling books�Empire of the Summer Moon�and�Rebel Yell) Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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