[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Effective Communication: The Patterns of Easy Influence: Master business communication, professional communication, and influence, the psychology of persuasion. Achieve sales leadership and success.

Description of Effective Communication: The Patterns of Easy Influence: Master business communication, professional communication, and influence, the psychology of persuasion. Achieve sales leadership and success.
Want to ace every interview with easy confidence, impress every employer, and get your dream job? Want to command respect in management and business, gaining instant support for your ideas?Want to know exactly what to say to influence people in business and sell with ease? Read more...You have a problem. Let me explain:Your professional communication is ineffective. Why? Because it is missing structure. And business communication without structure is a lost opportunity. It sidelines your brilliant ideas, diminishes your workplace influence, and weakens your professional appearance. And you don't deserve that.Instead, here's the truth about what you deserve:You deserve to master effective communication, and speak with power, influence, and persuasion. You deserve to convince people that your ideas matter. It's wrong that every time you speak or write, people won't tune-in if you miss just one simple communication secret: structure. So let's fix that.And I was there. I understand you:I remember when my words were forgettable... when I could actually see people tuning out. But when I started using this secret, that changed. People across the room stopped their own conversations and started listening to me. I want the same to happen to you. I want you to unlock this secret too.But first, here's why you can trust me:I won 27 awards and recieved national recognition as a competitive public speaker by using this one secret. I taught this secret to hundreds of mentees, who have instantly become compelling communicators. And I'll teach it to you too. And here's how I can help you:In this book, you learn 521 strategies of effective communication, including:29 proven communication theories that make your words change minds and influence people.43 hidden, little-known, step-by-step communication structures that make your words count.211 core human drives and human desires that will grab attention and motivate people.132 proven templates for starting your communication with power and undivided attention.71 communication transitions that grab attention from start to end and avoid audience tune-out.22 communication-ending strategies that guarantee your words will produce action.This guarantees that you will:Have stronger communication skills than 99% of people you will encounter in your career.Ace every interview, meeting, or presentation with bullet-proof confidence and easy eloquence.Understand the hidden secrets of influence, the psychology of persuasion.You also get $150 of FREE Limited-Time Bonuses:5 free communication books (PDFs) including The Art of Public Speaking, by Dale Carnegie. 6 free bonus resources, including a 40-page presentation skill-sheet.A free Public Speaking Essential Skills video course, by me.A free email training (for example, I can personally edit your speech-manuscript for you).Here's what you should do now: Go hit that buy-now button. It can save you from a lifetime of weak communication skills, ineffective words, and career stagnation. That will cost you much more than this book. And it can show you the secret that might help you impress the right person and get promoted. If you're not ready to buy: Go hit that look inside button and read the first 20 pages for free!

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