Download PDF Ebook First Ladies of the Republic: Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, and the Creation of an Iconic American Role

Description of First Ladies of the Republic: Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, and the Creation of an Iconic American Role
Review 'Accessible and entertaining, First Ladies of the Republic offers readers a refreshing and often perceptive view of its subjects. Abrams is thoroughly versed in the voluminous literature on women�s and gender history, employing her understanding of that literature to good advantage�this is a compelling effort, and one that historians and the general public will profit from reading' (American Historical Review)'Abrams�s argument draws much-needed attention to the ways in which each of these figures was dedicated to preserving the political and personal legacies of her husband�Its well-written and accessible prose will likely appeal to a popular audience as well�Abrams�s work� finds its most important contribution in defining the ways in which these women infused their marital partnerships with political power and her argument about these three women�s collective, rather than individual, influence on this critical American role.' (Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography)'Abrams presents an in-depth social and political history of three of the First Ladies of the Revolutionary generation. Through this history, the author fills in gaps in our understanding of these three women and their positions as consorts, advisors, caretakers, and protectors of the first presidents�makes a useful contribution to early American history in its portrayal of these First Ladies and can be enjoyed by the general reader as well as the scholar. This book does much to keep early American political and social history alive.' (H-Net Reviews)'Abrams' astute analysis of how Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Dolley Madison shaped the political culture of their times is a welcome contribution to the historiography of the early republic and women's history. Three first ladies who in their time could not even vote exercised intelligence and initiative to transcend boundaries between private and public spheres. How they did it will attract readers inside and outside the academy's walls.' (Alan M. Kraut, University Professor of History,American University, and Past President, Organization of American Historians)'Jeanne Abramss First Ladies of the Republic offers a compelling new approach to understanding the meaning and significance of the position of 'First Lady.' Examining the lives of Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Dolley Madison, she shows how these spirited women invented this new role from scratch to accommodate the demands of a new republican government . Written in an engaging and informative manner, the book combines recent research on early American women's history with a deep knowledge of the women's own lives and words.-' (Rosemarie Zagarri,George Mason University, author of Revolutionary Backlash)'Abrams provides a much-needed new approach to understanding the significance of the position that Martha Washington (17311802), Abigail Adams (17441818), and Madison once occupied.[She] gives life to Martha, Abigail, and Dolley, illuminating the importance of their position to American history...compelling storytelling.' (STARRED Library Journal)''Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Dolley Madisontogether, these three women created the uniquely American role of 'first lady.' Jeanne Abrams describes the ways in which these women used their role as conventional wives to carve out a place for themselves in the political life of the new nation. The book is well written and engaging, and will appeal to anyone interested in the gender roles and politics of the founding generation.' (Rebecca Tannenbaum,Yale University)'Abrams contributes a substantive study of the first three (precedent-setting) First LadiesEarnest, balanced, insightful, well researched, and browsable, this is a rich source of Information.' (Choice)'Abrams sets this...entertaining book against the background of the post-revolutionary era, when American ideals and traditions were being formed.' (Denver Post)'A fine introduction� Abrams fully tells each woman�s story as an individual biography, relying on both primary and secondary sources � [and] it is instructive to see their stories juxtaposed.' (Edith Gelles, William and Mary Quarterly) Read more About the Author Jeanne E. Abrams is Professor at the University Libraries and the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver, where she is also Director of the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society, and Curator of the Beck Archives, Special Collections. She is the author of Revolutionary Medicine: The Founding Fathers and Mothers in Sickness and in Health (NYU Press, 2013). Read more

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