Download PDF Ebook The Change Code: A Practical Guide to Making a Difference in a Polarized World

Description of The Change Code: A Practical Guide to Making a Difference in a Polarized World
You have big dreams and yearn to live a purposeful life, but it’s hard to stay inspired in today’s polarized world. The headlines make you want to dive under the covers and the discord threatens your faith in humanity. Climate change, immigration, healthcare, addiction—how are we supposed to address the world’s biggest problems when we can’t even talk to each other? In this turbulent time, there is hope. All this fear, blame, disconnection, powerlessness, and polarization are actually signals that we’re in the midst of a major shift in consciousness. You know you want to make a difference, but what to do? Lighting a candle or commenting on Facebook isn’t going to cut it. The Change Code is the roadmap for this new world, showing what’s possible.As you will learn in this book, you are capable of far more than you realize.When you read The Change Code, you’ll:•predict (more accurately) what changes will happen next,•have tools to improve your life and the lives of others, radically,•discover your own developmental path and purpose,•create a clear, focused vision for your future and the world,•find inspiring ways to serve that actually make a difference, •better understand and be able to communicate with others, integrate the best parts of their ideas with your own, and develop bold new solutions,•become an Agent for Change to help shift our world from breakdown to breakthrough. Praise for The Change Code"My grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi, believed as long as we live in fear we will never be truly free. We are afraid of change because we are afraid of insecurity. Yet change is the only way we will save humanity from certain disaster. The Change Code will help you understand why change is necessary and how to achieve it. An excellent read." ~ Arun Gandhi, Founder, M.K.Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence, Rochester, NY, and author of “The Gift of Anger” a best-seller translated into 30 languages. "In a time of distraction and disconnection, The Change Code offers hope and direction. Monica Bourgeau has compiled a brilliant body of work that addresses challenges on every level-- from the discontent individual to the struggling corporation, and certainly employs strategies that can be applied on a global scale. Well written and smartly executed, I highly recommend everyone read this wise and timely book!" ~ Tamara Dorris, MA author of Imagine That! and Mind Over Matter"The Change Code provides a unique look into Humanity’s Master Code. It provides a practical application for Graves’ theory in reducing polarization and managing today’s complex and turbulent times.” ~Don Edward Beck, Ph.D., Author of Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change; and Spiral Dynamics in Action

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