READ [EBOOK] Living in a World that Can't Be Fixed: Reimagining Counterculture Today

Description of Living in a World that Can't Be Fixed: Reimagining Counterculture Today
Review �White�s provocative title poses a challenge. He�s saying political reformism offers modest remedies, at best, to mitigate the catastrophe upon us. And he says it with a range of insights�from Wordsworth to Adorno by way of Agnes Varda. Curtis writes with assurance of his sources, but far removed from a pedantic style.��Bernard Marszalek,�CounterPunch'White has the courage, rare in our time, to associate the right and the good explicitly with the beautiful.'�Mark Greif, author of Against Everything 'If White is suggesting some sort of Dada-infused anarcho-successionist movement, I'll donate a million dollars to his inauguration committee.'�Mark Leyner, author of Gone With The Mind�An intensely satisfying reconception of cult, culture, and counterculture. White�s call to kindle a spirit of impertinence and improvisation, to refuse spectatorial politics and 'mass media sludge,' is nothing if not timely. If you think the counterculture is merely a shrink-wrapped product of The Sixties�, then you need to read this book.� �Peter Richardson, author of No Simple Highway: A Cultural History of the Grateful Dead'Curtis White's writing cracked me open like an egg, and challenged me to look beyond the parameters of my own sense of what cultural resistance really is. If you think you're a rebel, read this book, and think again. Read this important book and cleanse your filter. Open a window and fall through the floor. Smile with that other eye. Be impertinent.'�William Rivers Pitt, author of�House of Ill Repute� Read more About the Author Curtis White is a novelist and social critic whose works include Memories of My Father Watching TV, The Middle Mind, and, most recently, The Science Delusion, We, Robots, and Lacking Character. He is the founder (with Ronald Sukenick) of FC2, a publisher of innovative fiction run collectively by its authors. He lives in Port Townsend, WA. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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