[PDF EBOOK EPUB] A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation: Creating safe environments for conversations about race, politics, sexuality, and religion

Description of A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation: Creating safe environments for conversations about race, politics, sexuality, and religion
Review �The conversation taking place in�A Language of Healingfor a Polarized Nation�is one that needs to take place in coffee shops, board rooms, living rooms, around fire pits and water coolers, and in the office�especially if it�s an oval one. This book is a roadmap to compassion, understanding, and empathy at a time in which we seem to have lost the directions.� - Ernie Johnson, Jr., Sportscaster-TNT/TBS, Author of Unscripted � �A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation�is the book we need at this critical moment in our history. At a time when many Americans are reduced to shouting past one another, the authors of this volume � three thoughtful, compassionate citizens � give us a roadmap to restore civility and respect across even our deepest differences. Filled with honest dialogue, inspiring stories and practical advice, this compelling volume should be required reading for every American committed to seeking a common vision for the common good.��- Dr. Charles C. Haynes, Founding Director, Religious Freedom Center of The Freedom Forum Institute � �Making space to hear, to know, and to care for people �not in our tribe� may be one of the most urgent and transformative things we could be doing. In this bitterly divided era in American society and politics, may we, who seek to be Jesus-followers, live out our vocation as reconcilers and peacemakers with love and justice.�A Language of Healing�could be just the right practical help for our next steps at this important time.� - Mark Labberton, President, Fuller Theological Seminary � �In�A Language of Healing, authors Wayne Jacobsen, Arnita Taylor and Bob Prater absorb the reader in compelling conversations around challenging topics often held as unapproachable in polite company: namely race, politics, sexuality, and religion. People today find it increasingly difficult to hold civil conversations around such hot topics, especially with those of a different �tribe.� The richness in this book is found in the authors� divergence and consensus on finding �shared space� in the midst of tough topics and an increasingly uncivil society. While each writer brings differing backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to the table, all seem to find a rich common ground surrounding the most divisive problems in our culture today. This is a must-read for anyone who cares about healing the rifts in our world today.� -Dr. Jim J. Adams, President Emeritus, Life Pacific University� � �Somehow, in each stage of a nation's life, a special book always seems to come along that is perfectly matched for its times.�Most often such a book comes from a most unlikely source.�At this deeply troubled time when our nation is tearing itself apart with hateful rancor, a wise and winsome source of help and healing has arisen out of a providential friendship between these three people. Bottom line:�Our basic humanity will knit us all together in reasonable and workable harmony if we will dare to give friendship a chance.��- Don Clark, Former CBS News Anchor and current host of�Open Up Live� � Read more About the Author Wayne Jacobsen is a best-selling author (He Loves Me, Finding Church ,and co-author/publisher of The Shack). A former pastor, Wayne now hosts Lifestream.org, which provides resources for spiritual growth and a podcast at TheGodJourney.com both of which have inspired countless people to a more vibrant faith and a greater understanding of living in the church Jesus is building in the world. For over twenty-five years Wayne�s insight and humor have opened doors around the world whether it means resolving religious-liberty conflicts in public education, helping starving tribes in Kenya build a viable economy, or encouraging people to live more freely in the love and grace of God. He lives in Southern California with Sara, his wife of 44 years, where they both enjoy their adult children and grandchildren.Arnita Willis Taylor is the founder of EIGHT Leadership Development Group, where she serves leaders by assisting individuals, teams, and organizations. She is a passionate communicator to enrich and empower others, and because she intentionally places herself in diversified settings she regularly teaches across racial, denominational, and gender lines. Arnita has a graduate degree in Leadership Development from Walden University. At home in Keller, Texas, she is the wife of 31 years to Michael and the proud and grateful mother of two sons, Evan and Nolan.Robert L. �Bob� Prater is a former pastor and entertainment developer, as well as a lover of God and a lover of - and advocate for - people. With a background in business, media and ministry, he co-hosts the podcast, A Christian & A Muslim Walk into a Studio alongside American-Muslim leader, Emad Meerza. �Bob spends most of his time ministering among the poor, the LGBTQ community, Muslims, and others who are often marginalized in our culture. Bob and his wife, Danette, have three daughters, three sons-in-law and ten grandchildren and reside in Bakersfield, California. � Read more

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