Read PDF Spanish-American War: A Captivating Guide to the War Between the United States of America and Spain along with The Philippine�American War that Followed

Description of Spanish-American War: A Captivating Guide to the War Between the United States of America and Spain along with The Philippine�American War that Followed
If you want to discover the captivating history of the Spanish-American War, then keep reading...Two captivating manuscripts in one book:The Spanish-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Armed Conflict Between the United States of America and Spain That Took Place after the U.S. Intervened in the Cuban War of IndependenceThe Philippine–American War: A Captivating Guide to the Philippine Insurrection That Started When the United States of America Claimed Possession of the Philippines after the Spanish–American WarThe Spanish-American War really only lasted about ten weeks (the buildup and decision to go to war took longer than the war itself), but a peace treaty was not signed until December of 1898. This was an event that was the tipping point for the end of the Spanish Empire and the rise of the US as a formidable player on the world stage. Not all Americans were happy with the change, with famous Americans like Mark Twain speaking out about the US occupation of the lands that it was meant to save. This breach was seen as being as antithetical to American ideals as bowing to the English crown would have been seen during the American Revolution. Still, the isolationist's view of the country was no longer popular, and more Americans wished to play a larger part in the world. The ideology of the country was not entirely different than it had been, but it was moving more toward the superpower it eventually became by the end of World War II. America had finally taken strides to match the might and power of the other Western countries, and it was increasingly more difficult to ignore the events around the world once they had lands to protect so far from the mainland. Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Spain’s Waning InfluenceAmerica – A Country Itching to Break out of IsolationismBuilding TensionsAmerica's Sensationalized Sympathy with CubaRemember the Maine! – An Excuse for WarA Brief War with Huge ImplicationsRough Riders – The Beginning of the Legend of Theodore RooseveltHow the Smoked Yankees Ensured Roosevelt’s SuccessThe Price of PeaceThe Anti-Imperialist LeagueThe Foraker Act of 1900 and New TerritoriesThe Tense Relationship between Cuba and the USHalf-Way around the World – The Philippine-American RelationshipA Changed WorldAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:A Quick OverviewThe World After RomeEnding a Dynasty – Pepin, Charles, and CarlomanThe Conquests of CharlesIn the Name of ReligionPope Leo III and the Founding of an EmpireThe Carolingian Renaissance – The Empire under CharlemagneThe Rule of Louis the PiousFamilial Strife and the Decay of the EmpireThe Division Effectively Ending the EmpireEchoes of the Roman Empire – How Outside Forces Picked Apart the Carolingian EmpireLasting Effects and Hope of ReunificationAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of the Spanish-American War and Philippine–American War, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

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