[PDF EBOOK EPUB] God's Hand on America: Divine Providence in the Modern Era

Description of God's Hand on America: Divine Providence in the Modern Era
Review �A spellbinding page-turner, Michael Medved�s marvelous new book puts our current difficult moment in panoramic historical context. Intensely readable and ultimately inspiring.��Amy Chua, Yale Law School professor and author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Political Tribes � �I believe in God. Until reading God�s Hand on America, however, I was agnostic as to God�s role in American history. That I am no longer in doubt about God�s hand on America is proof of how persuasive this book is. And, as a bonus, you get to learn history from one of the greatest living American historians.��Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University and author of the bestselling Bible commentary The Rational Bible � �Riveting, superbly written, wonderfully researched, and compellingly argued. Many an avowed secularist will pause in his or her tracks upon reading God�s Hand on America and say to themselves: �I hadn�t considered that!���Hugh Hewitt, NBC political analyst and Chapman University School of Law professor � �Michael Medved is one of the nation�s greatest historical thinkers, and God�s Hand on America isn�t just inspiring; it reignites faith in God and the country upon which He has so richly dispensed his blessings.��Ben Shapiro, nationally syndicated talk-radio host on The Daily Wire � �An eye-opening, moving, and vitally necessary book.��John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary and MSNBC contributor � �This compulsively readable account of modern American history reveals in exquisite detail those perilous moments when all could have been lost, but dare I say miraculously, wasn�t. History, wisdom, and education are never so enjoyably acquired as when Michael Medved is the author.��Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, New York Times bestselling author of Jewish Literacy�Michael Medved has an eye for a story and a preternatural gift for telling it in beguiling ways. The stories here involve fateful moments in American history that happen for reasons that defy reason itself. Whether you call the cause providence, destiny, the gods, or God is less important than witnessing American history survive�a hopeful message for our troubled times.��Joseph Ellis, Pulitzer Prize winner for history, National Book Award winner, and author of Founding Brothers Read more About the Author Michael Medved's daily three-hour radio program, The Michael Medved Show, reaches more than 5 million listeners on more than 300 stations coast to coast. He is the author of 12 other books, including the bestsellers The 10 Big Lies About America, Hollywood vs. America, Hospital, and What Really Happened to the Class of '65? He is �a member of USA Today's board of contributors, a former chief film critic of the New York Post and, for more than a decade, cohosted Sneak Previews, the weekly movie review show on PBS. An honors graduate of Yale with Departmental Honors in American History, Medved lives with his family in the Seattle area. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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