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Description for Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray
Review '[A] provocative new book.'?New York Times 'According to the physicist and prolific blogger Sabine Hossenfelder, Einstein and others who work in a similar way are 'lost in math,' the title of her lively and provocative book.'?Wall Street Journal'Hossenfelder ably mixes simplified explanation of the science with compelling portraits of the fascinating characters who study it.'?Vanity Fair'In her new book, Lost In Math, Sabine Hossenfelder adroitly confronts this crisis head on.... The book is a wild, deep, thought-provoking read that would make any reasonable person in the field who's still capable of introspection doubt themselves.'?Forbes'Lost in Math is self-aware and dosed with acerbic wit, and it asks bold questions.'?Nature'Sabine Hossenfelder's new book Lost in Math provides a well-informed take on the current situation in fundamental physical theory. The author is completely honest, utterly fearless, and often quite funny.'?MAA Reviews '[Hossenfelder's] critical assessment of the field is appropriately timed.' ?Science'Eavesdrop on accessible and frank conversations in Hossenfelder's Lost in Math, which wrestles with big questions of quantum mechanics and beauty in a fun, fascinating way.'?Popular ScienceChoice award for outstanding academic title'Entertaining and engaging.'?Ars Technica Read more About the Author Sabine Hossenfelder is a research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and the author of the popular physics blog Backreaction. She has written for New Scientist, Scientific American, and NOVA. She lives in Heidelberg, Germany. Read more

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