(PDF) Ebook Trumpocalypse: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. I (2016-2017)

Description for Trumpocalypse: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. I (2016-2017)
Review 'C. J. Hopkins is the rare writer who's so good at identifying uncomfortable truths that he essentially has to be removed from consideration for mass circulation. He's brave, original, enlightening, and hilarious, and his writing has an element of the forbidden that makes it even more fun (you realize later this is also depressing). He's in the tradition of samizdat-type satirists like Voinovich and Mrozek who were early to capture both the horror and absurdity of a collapsing empire.' -- Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone'History, should there be any, will record 2016 as the year of a stunning triumvirate, the simultaneous eruption of Brexit, Donald Trump, and the Consent Factory. The first two were indications of the deep anguish and anger of common people directed at the neoliberal corporate oligarchy draining the social, economic and political lifeblood from so-called Western democracies. The third was an eruption of brilliant, cutting, incisive satire in the Swiftian tradition, explaining insightfully if painfully what the hell was going on, as the corporate media and its liberal allies desperately counterattacked the populist uprising, a much bigger threat to the oligarchy than the perverted political operatives behind either Trump or Brexit. Here it is to read and remember and to explode the corporate propaganda oozing from the left, right and middle. Trumpocalypse -- you lived it, now understand it.' -- John Stauber, author of Toxic Sludge Is Good for You, Weapons of Mass Deception, and other bestsellers'Is it possible these days to distinguish between political news and satire? Read C. J. Hopkins and see if you can tell the difference. Or rather, enjoy the blend.' -- Diana Johnstone, author of Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions, and Circle in the Darkness (Clarity Press, 2019) Read more About the Author C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His stage plays have been produced internationally and are published by Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) and Broadway Play Publishing (USA). His debut novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine& Cormorant Paperbacks. His political satire and commentary has appeared in CounterPunch, The Unz Review, OffGuardian, ColdType, and other publications. Read more

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