READ [EBOOK] Writing the Big Book: The Creation of A.A.

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Review Publishers WeeklyWriting the Big Book: The Creation of A.A.William H. Schaberg. Central Recovery, $40 (800p) ISBN 978-1-949481-28-0Rare books dealer Schaberg (The Nietzsche Canon) provides an admirably exhaustive, albeit intimidatingly lengthy, look at the writing of Alcoholic Anonymous�s foundational 1939 text?known colloquially as The Big Book, and in full as Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism. Through years of archival research, Schaberg uncovered a tremendous amount of first-hand documentation related to the book�s composition. He demonstrates a detective�s skill in using this evidence to examine accounts by major A.A. figures and identify contradictions, often traceable to what he calls the mythmaking tendencies of A.A.�s charismatic and garrulous founder Bill Wilson, the Big Book�s primary author. Among other things, Schaberg shows that the creation of A.A.�s most famous tenet, the 12 Steps, was likely not the sudden, inspired event [Wilson] so frequently reported, but a much more... deliberate affair. Elsewhere, Schaberg demonstrates equal skill as a literary archeologist in excavating past drafts of the book, finding traces of a planned but unwritten chapter about the potential alcoholic still evident in the finished text, and showing how a much-debated internal A.A. decision?to use the word God, but not more creed-specific language?shaped the Steps. The main caveat for general readers will be this book�s monumental scale; nonetheless, Schaberg�s work is a landmark study. (Oct.)KEYS TO RECOVERYWriting the Big Book: The Creation of A.A. Written by William H. Schaberg. Published by Central Recovery PressBOOK REVIEWAll I can say is if you are in any way connected to A.A. or want to be, READ this book. It is an incredible source of information from the early days of A.A. and how the Big Book was written. The detailed retelling � based on primary document research - of the events from Sept 1937 to April 1939. We have all heard bits and pieces of how the Big Book was written, and what was originally going to be included, and the debates over the content, as it was being written. William H. Schaberg puts all the pieces together pulled from the vast resources found in the A.A. archives. An enjoyable and easy read. Do not let the size of this book scare you. Each area of the Big Book is outlined and explained, with factual detail. He introduces us to the importance of Hank Parkhurst�s influence on the text. William makes sure to include where all this information was obtained from, he took special attention to separate exact quotes and lightly modified. I feel that the author took extreme measures to give us the REAL re-telling of the creation of the Big Book. Thank you, William H. Schaberg, for taking so much time, energy and loving respect in the writing of this vital book. My favorite part was The original Twelve Steps. This book would make a great gift. I loved this book and I can�t wait to share al the great facts I learned while reading this book. Five Big Shiny Sober Stars. Read more Review If you have read my husband�s book, Not-God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous, you may think as I did, that you have a good understanding of that history. And you would be wrong. Writing the Big Book zeroes in on the first five years in a way that no other history of A.A. has captured. And these years were critical. Like a good suspense novel, this book captures the day to day struggles these few intrepid men encountered over those years � in the heart of the great depression�. How does a bunch of homeless alcoholics start a worldwide movement? Schaberg�s book tells us how they did it, tiny step by tiny step.?Linda Farris Kurtz, Professor Emerita, Eastern Michigan University, Author of Recovery GroupsWriting the Big Book is the most important work on the history of A.A. since Ernie Kurtz�s Not-God. Finally, we have a resource that draws upon decades of recent research to separate fact from myth regarding the origin of Alcoholics Anonymous.?William L. White, author of Slaying the DragonThis is a book that A.A. historians will want to read and reference from now on . . . the product of incredibly detailed research in the archives at the central A.A. office in New York City and at Stepping Stones in Bedford Hills, New York, along with Lois Wilson�s diary, and a host of other primary sources.?Glenn F. Chesnut, Emeritus Professor of History, Indiana University South BendWriting the Big Book details the chapter-by-chapter authoring of Alcoholics Anonymous and provides a revealing anthology of its primary contributors . . . .The revelations about Hank Parkhurst�s role in particular cast a welcome and inclusive light on his critical importance, as he is shown to be a true unsung hero.?Arthur S., A.A. historian from of Arlington, TXSchaberg�s in-depth research and masterful presentation of previously unpublished facts about A.A.�s early history makes for an explosive package . . . Far from presenting a dry historical record, Writing the Big Book is lively, fascinating, compelling, and insightful?more like a thriller than a documentary.?Jay Stinnett, A.A. historianWriting the Big Book is an invaluable contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous and its membership. Relying on outstanding research and thoroughness, Schaberg shapes a coherent story out of a vast trove of archival material?and reveals that the Big Book, far from being simply, divinely inspired, was the work of perfectly flawed human beings, living and striving under great stress and difficulty.?Kevin Hanlon, co-creator of the documentary Bill W.Writing the Big Book surprises in how well it defines and demonstrates the condition of alcoholism, while so clearly rendering portraits of its interesting cast of characters. I came away with a much better understanding of what some of my dearest friends and family struggle with as alcoholics, along with a deep appreciation for the work that went into the creation of A.A.?David Stickney, contributing editor of The Nietzsche CanonFor many in recovery, Bill Wilson is a Moses freeing them from the bondage of addiction. As a result, a variety of myths have evolved around him, some encouraged by his own efforts to tell the story and to sell the spiritual program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Bill Schaberg does a great service to the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous with his exhaustive examination of archival documents, separating myth from fact. The result is a clearer picture of the beginnings of A.A. and the development of the Big Book, along with a rich and compelling portrait of Bill W. Less myth produces a much better story. This volume is a must read for any interested in the history of A.A.?The Very Rev. Ward B. Ewing, D.D., Trustee and past Chair of the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, Retired Dean and President of The General Theological Seminary, New York, NY Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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