[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Emotional Intelligence: Improve Your Social Skills. Develop and Boost Your Brain Agility. Discover Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. For Better Life, Sales ... at Work, Happier Relationships. EQ 2.0

Description of Emotional Intelligence: Improve Your Social Skills. Develop and Boost Your Brain Agility. Discover Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. For Better Life, Sales ... at Work, Happier Relationships. EQ 2.0
You Are 1-Click Away From Learning How To Develop And Boost Your Brain Agility, Stop Being A Slave To Your Emotions, Become Happier, Build Relationships And Excel In Every Facet Of Your Life By Leveraging The Power Of Emotional Intelligence!We all wish to improve different facets of our lives to set ourselves up squarely on the path to success.Where do you start?I would give you one answer; start by building your emotional intelligence – everything else will fall into place!Why is that so?Because for decades, it was thought that to achieve success, all you needed was a high IQ but after observing thousands of people that had average IQ succeed more in life than those that had a high IQ, the secret to massive success in life was discovered; emotional quotient (EQ), also known as emotional intelligence!Yes, success in life is much more than your brains alone; you need to manage your emotions; be able to deal with challenges without losing your mind; nurture relationships and much more.How exactly does emotional intelligence influence success?How do you measure your emotional intelligence to tell whether it is high or low?When do you know your emotional intelligence needs improving?How exactly do you build emotional intelligence?And after building your emotional intelligence, what benefits can you expect?If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading…The book covers the ins and outs of building emotional intelligence from ground-up to help you achieve the success you have wanted.More precisely, the book will teach you:Some features of emotional intelligenceWhether you are emotionally intelligent or notWhich is more important, emotional quotient or intelligent quotient?Why it is important to build your emotional intelligenceWhat is cognitive intelligence and what is the difference between emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligenceSteps to take to improve your emotional intelligenceHow to effectively manage other people’s emotionsThe importance of self-awareness in improving your emotional intelligenceHow to boost your self-awarenessImportance of high emotional intelligence at workHow to use emotional intelligence when under pressure at workHow to use emotional intelligence when making important decisionsWhat you can do to deal with rejectionWhy being empathetic is importantHow to develop emotional intelligence after narcissistic abuseAnd so much moreThis book takes a beginner friendly approach to enable you understand yourself and your emotions better to effectively understand other people’s emotions and know how to manage both your emotions and those of other people.Are you ready for change?If you are,Scroll up to the top of this page and click Buy Now With 1-Click or Buy Now to get started!

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