[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Mind Seeing Mind: Mahamudra and the Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism)

Description for Mind Seeing Mind: Mahamudra and the Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism)
Review �Roger Jackson's Mind Seeing Mind: Mahamudra and the Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is an outstanding achievement, vast in scope and profound in its engagement with Tibetan Buddhist contemplative and philosophical traditions. From the origins of the Mahamudra teaching in India, through its refinement and development among the Kagy� masters of Tibet, to its transmission to J� Tsongkhapa and his Gelukpa successors down to the present day, Jackson guides the reader on a journey resembling the exploration of a great river from its turbulent headwaters to the spreading streams of its delta. Concluding with detailed consideration of contested questions about Mahamudra and a magnificent anthology of texts in translation, Mind Seeing Mind is a model study of the historical and doctrinal literature of Buddhism in Tibet.� -- ?Matthew T. Kapstein, �cole Pratique des Hautes �tudes, Paris, and the University of Chicago�A lifetime of study has gone into this immensely important volume, and it shows on every page. The best historical overview of mahamudra available in any language, Mind Seeing Mind is also the definitive study of the Great Seal in the Geluk tradition. Erudite, yet accessible, it is a book no serious student of Buddhism can afford to overlook.� -- ?Jos� Ignacio Cabez�n, Dalai Lama Professor of Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies, UC Santa Barbara�The mahamudra tradition of the New translation schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the �cutting through� teachings of the Dzokchen tradition of the Old translation school bear a great deal in common. Integrating the four noble truths of the first turning of the wheel of Dharma with the teachings on the objective clear light of emptiness in the second turning, and the subjective clear light of the buddha nature of the third turning, they represent the pinnacle of the science of mind in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Roger Jackson has done us a great service in translating core mahamudra texts from the Geluk tradition and contextualizing them within the broader framework of Tibetan Buddhism. This volume is worthy of close attention by contemplatives and scientists alike, for it is enormously relevant to understanding the mind in the modern world.� -- ?B. Alan Wallace, president, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies�The meditation techniques of the Tibetan Mahamudra traditions that purport to provide direct access to the luminous and empty nature of mind in an uncontrived sphere beyond any reification played an important role in the intellectual history of Tibet. Even though it is mainly known as a specialty of the Kagy� school, it also found a place in other traditions such as the Nyingma, Kadam, Sakya, Shich�, Jonang, and Geluk. In Mind Seeing Mind Roger Jackson presents for the first time a comprehensive work on Geluk Mahamudra against its Indian and Tibetan background, investigating its history, doctrines, and practices from a critical scholarly standpoint. At the same time the work also contains multiple translations of Tibetan texts crucial to Geluk Mahamudra, which profit from Jackson�s intimate acquaintance with the tradition. With this rare combination of skills, Jackson renders an enormous service for scholars and practitioners alike. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Geluk Mahamudra.� -- ?Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes, University of Vienna Read more About the Author Roger R. Jackson is John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion, emeritus, at Carleton College, where for nearly three decades he taught the religions of South Asia and Tibet. He has also taught at the University of Michigan, Fairfield University, McGill University, and Maitripa College. He has a BA from Wesleyan University and an MA and PhD from the University of Wisconsin, where he studied under Geshe Lhundub Sopa. He maintains a scholarly interest in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist systems of philosophy, meditation, and ritual; Buddhist and other types of religious poetry; the study of mysticism; and the contours of modern Buddhist thought. His books include The Wheel of Time: Kalachakra in Context (with Geshe Sopa and John Newman, 1985), Is Enlightenment Possible? (1993), Tibetan Literature (with Jos� Cabez�n, 1996), Buddhist Theology (with John Makransky, 1999), Tantric Treasures (2004), The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems (with Geshe Sopa et al., 2009), and Mahamudra and the Bka� brgyud Tradition (with Matthew Kapstein, 2011). He has written dozens of articles, book chapters, and reviews and has presented regularly at national and international scholarly conferences. He was editor in chief of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies from 1985 to 1993 and served as coeditor of the Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies from 2006 to 2018. Read more

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