[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World

Description of Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World
Review �Many people have clarified a variety of interesting issues through the lens of the flow experience; few have done this more successfully than Sky Nelson-Isaacs, who uses flow to explain the mysteries of synchronicity.� Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of�Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience�With clear language, compelling stories and most of all, powerful science, Nelson-Isaacs lays out a comprehensive exploration of how we can come to understand the �patterns and commonalities between things that seem completely distinct.� He is that rare author and thinker working to increase the coherence of things rather than simply promote a new view. Whether examining one�s personal or professional life, whether focused on science, spirituality, or leadership in their community, readers will find compelling insights to take away.� �Ann Betz, author of Integration: The Power of Being Co-Active in Work and Life and cofounder of BEabove Leadership � �In Living in Flow. Sky Nelson-Isaacs draws from the deep well of quantum mechanics as well as from numerous personal anecdotes to offer sage and witty advice for living in synchronicity with the universe and one's ideals�a mystic tool kit for life in this scientific age.' �Daniel P. Sheehan, PhD, professor of physics, University of San Diego�Meaningful history selection? Exactly what the world needs, and certainly what you can use to help you live in flow with the world�s events. Sky Nelson-Isaacs uses his engaging, clear-minded, scientifically informed prose to help you revolutionize the way you look at life, navigate your conscious experience, and shape the events that shape your life and the future of the planet.�� �Julia Mossbridge, PhD, associate professor at California Institute of Integral Studies, author of The Calling�Nelson-Isaacs shares a bounty of insight about the scientific basis of intuition�specifically about the interface of inner guidance, science, and our daily lives. Using personal stories as the anchor for the information, he weaves memorable anecdotes together with valuable scientific insight and shares a vision for our future that is both inspiring and practical.� �Kimberly Carter Gamble, producer, director, cowriter of the widely acclaimed film, THRIVE�Sky Nelson-Isaacs has created some excitement in Living in Flow, in which he explores meaning, perspective, authenticity, synchronicity, and all the things that make up the flow of our universe. He invites the reader in with a friendly, down-to-earth warmth, helping the nonscientist stay engaged. References to research and personal anecdotes make Living in Flow a compelling work that I enjoyed immensely.� �Edward Viljoen, author of Ordinary Goodness: The Surprisingly Effortless Path to Creating a Life of Meaning and Beauty � �In this rare gift Sky Nelson-Isaacs has given us a remarkably insightful and readable understanding of synchronicity and how to live into it.� �Leslie Allan Combs, author of Synchronicity : Through the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster � �Reading this book made me happy. And hopeful. As an elder and a spiritual theologian it moves me to learn from a young physicist who is posing perennial questions from the viewpoint of the new science. Sky Nelson-Isaacs ignites new sparks that shed light on ancient mysteries. The author's method of LORRAX (Listen, Open, Reflect, Release, Act, XRepeat) as the path to flow parallels in many ways the four paths of creation spirituality in my work: Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, and Via Transformativa. There is rich and fertile ground here born of postmodern science for birthing a language that is far more friendly to spiritual and mystical realities than most of the perspectives of the modern world view ever was or could be. This book sparkles with insights and connections that we are all hungry for.� �Matthew Fox, author of Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Transforming Evil in Soul and Society � �Sky Nelson-Isaacs brings a vigour and rigour to his analysis and locates his interpretation of synchronicity in day-to-day examples that have happened to him and to others, giving the reader a step-by-step analysis of synchronicity and how the theory applies. He develops an original model of synchronicity called �meaningful history selection.� Grounded in quantum physics the visual model of the tree of possibility helps us understand how some choices are made en route, while others not, highlighting how we choose particular branches based on our intent.� �Dr Philip Merry, author of the first grounded PhD research into synchronicity and leadership, founder of Philip Merry Consulting Group, a Singapore global leadership consulting company�The description of the quantum theory underlying Nelson-Isaacs's idea of the mechanism of meaningful history selection is clear, accessible, and a convincing case is made for their relevance to synchronicity.� �Siegfried Bleher, assistant professor of physics, Fairmont State University � �Is it possible that synchronicities are all around us and we can learn to see their workings? Sky Nelson-Isaacs believes so and makes a compelling case that is based in modern quantum physics.� �Menas C. Kafatos, Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics, Chapman University�Within these pages you will find answers to some of life�s greatest mysteries!� �Glenna Salsbury, professional speaker and author of The Art of the Fresh Star Read more About the Author SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a theoretical physicist, speaker, author, and musician. He has a masters degree in physics from San Francisco State University, with a thesis in String Theory, and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. Nelson-Isaacs has dedicated his life to finding his own sense of purpose, beginning as a student of the Yogic master Sri Swami Satchidananda when he was less than five years old. His writing on topics like flow comes from integrating this experience into his life. He brings together the connection between synchronicity, physics, and real life using research and original ideas. An educator with nine years of classroom experience, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions. Read more

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