Download [PDF] A Time for All Things: The Life of Michael E. DeBakey

Description for A Time for All Things: The Life of Michael E. DeBakey
Review 'Amazingly detailed and powerful. A very important medical, historical, and ethical document from which there are enduring, important lessons to be learned.' -- Renee C. Fox, PhD, Professor Emerita, Sociology, Annenberg Professor Emerita of the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania'Spanning decades of an amazing life, the stories of DeBakey's dedication to altruistic patient care, academic excellence, and dedicated service to both the profession and our nation will inspire physicians, policymakers, and patients alike.' -- Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA, President, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, New York'A Time for All Things is a superb telling of Michael E DeBakey's amazingly long, dashing career - in surgery, in education, and deeply in national public policy.' -- Donald Lindberg, MD, Director Emeritus, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD'A Time for All Things gives a thorough insight into the academic career of one of the most influential professors in American medicine and politics.' -- Bertil Hamberger, Professor Emeritus, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden'Craig Miller has superbly chronicled a life of accomplishments, honors, and surgical achievements. Miller's efforts in archiving the facts of DeBakey's storied career will be a treasure for both the surgeon and the lay reader.' -- Charles H. McCollum, MD, Professor of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston'This inspirational biography reads like a historical medical novel, and is essential for surgeons, aspiring surgeons, and innovators from all walks of life.' -- E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS, Academy Professor, Robert M. Zollinger Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgery, The Ohio State University, Columbus'This book is a very readable account of DeBakey's influence and participation in the evolving science of cardiovascular surgery over seven decades, as well as his influence on the societal and political milieu of the time - enhanced by facts and events little known to even his closest colleagues.' -- William L. Winters, Jr., MD, MACC, MACP, Emeritus Professor of Cardiology, Institute for Academic Medicine, Full Emeritus Member, Department of Cardiology, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston'This fascinating portrayal tells about DeBakey's life journey beginning as the son of Lebanese immigrant parents to becoming a global household name synonymous with modern day high tech medicine, an advocate of universal access to health care, and doctor to the rich and famous.' -- Matthias Loebe, MD, PhD, Director of Thoracic Transplantation, University of Miami Read more About the Author Craig A. Miller, MD, is an author and vascular surgeon who lives in Columbus, Ohio. His books have been published in several languages and editions. He has been a Scholar-in-Residence at the Ohio State University Medical Heritage Center and a Michael E. DeBakey Fellow in the History of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. Read more

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