READ [EBOOK] Let Me Prey Upon You: Breaking Free from a Minister's Sexual Abuse

Description of Let Me Prey Upon You: Breaking Free from a Minister's Sexual Abuse
Review 'Sandy's story draws you deeper and deeper into her world as a teen abused by her youth pastor and the years of pain as she struggled with the aftermath of his abuse. A compelling account of clergy abuse.'--DEBBIE MOTZ'Sandy does an amazing job describing the power of imbalance of clergy, the spiritual confusion and destruction of clergy abuse by sharing her difficult story. She is an inspiration and an overcomer.'--KIM RUNG, CLERGY ABUSE SURVIVOR AND ADVOCATE'Let Me Prey Upon You�tells the too infrequently told story of a vulnerable teen betrayed by a pastor who should have been protected but was instead abuser. Sandy Kirkham describes with great clarity the emotional hemorrhaging from abuse that often goes undetected by others and even the victim as well. The good news is, after decades of hiding her past, Sandy found freedom by acting to set things straight. She writes from a passion to see victims restored as she has been and others protected from suffering her fate in the first place.'--HAROLD SWIFT, CHURCH ELDER'Sandy's book is a go-to resource foranyone wanting to understand the concepts of grooming and abuse of religiousauthority. Her story captures the pain, the shame, and long struggle to healfrom clergy abuse.'--DAN FRONDORF, CO-FOUNDER OFCINCINNATI SNAP CHAPTER'Kirkham lost her youth,innocence, and her faith in the very place that she should have been safest--herbeloved church, by a minister that she trusted.I n Let Me Prey Upon You,however, she has found her voice!!'--SUE TRAKAS, PROFESSOR EMERITA�'Let Me Prey Upon You is animportant story of a minister who preyed upon and sexually abused several youngwomen, while moving from church to church to church. But it is more than that,it is also the story of one courageous woman who, years later, finally dealtwith and confronted her past to begin her journey of healing. Sandy Kirkham'sstory is one of lies, manipulation, coercion, and abuse, but it is also a storyof courage, resilience, and bravery.'--SUSAN RANDALL, COUNSELOR'In her book, Let Me Prey Upon You,Sandy Kirkham shares from her heart and own life, her tragic experience as avictim of pastoral abuse. She takes the reader along her entire journey ofabuse, which began in her teen years, and reveals details of her suffering, herbondage, and eventually her path to freedom and recovery. This true story istold from an extremely personal perspective in a moving and powerful way and iswell worth a read.' --ELLEN SMITH�'Sandy speaks truth in her story ofclergy abuse and is an inspiration to all of us who have been abused by achurch leader. While describing the extreme pain she experienced by her youthpastor and the church's rejection, she also offers hope. Let Me Prey UponYou is instrumental in understanding the dynamics when a spiritual leadercrosses the boundaries of his profession with a member of his congregation.'--MARY JO NOWORYTA, CLERGY ABUSESURVIVOR AND ADVOCATE'A well-written book that providesfirst person narrative of a young, faith driven, over-achieving girl who ismanipulated and then trapped in an abusive relationship by someone of power inthe church. The book provides a window into the author's world and we can seehow this occurs as well as the self-doubt fostered by the offender. It alsoshares the trauma that is caused when the offender is not only not heldaccountable, but moved into a new position that allows his abusive behavior tocontinue. Finally, it is a book of courage and survival and one that provideshope for victims.'--SHELLEYMARSHALL�'Acourageous portrayal of the complex levels of suffering from clergyabuse.'--STEPHANIEWYLER, RETIRED JUVENILE COURT Read more From the Author The idea of writing this book terrified me. I knew my story was important and needed to be shared, but I doubted my ability to appropriately express my fears, my sorrow, my pain, my hope, and finally my ability to rejoice. Would I be able to find the words and the strength to dig deep into the dark places where my pain and guilt was hidden for so long? Could I relive it all over again in black and white words? Would I be able to convey the devastation of my abuse?� Would my story be met with criticism and doubt? Would I stay committed to the finish? My answer to all these questions was simple: just start to write. I began to write my story, not at the beginning, but in the middle. Odd, but it was the middle of my story, my secret, which led me to write this book. The emotions of writing were overwhelming. Many times I simply stopped; it was too painful to recall those moments, to put my feelings on paper for all to read. When I needed a break, I took one. When I again felt strong enough, I returned to writing. In the end, my questions were answered and my doubts erased. With a supportive husband, family, and friends cheering me on, the finished line was reached. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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