[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Bait: The Battle of Kham Duc

Description of Bait: The Battle of Kham Duc
Review 'For an authentic, detailed view of how large battles between U.S. combined-arms forces and regular�North Vietnamese Army forces�were fought in Vietnam in 1968,�'Bait:�The Battle of Kham Duc'�is required reading.' (General H. Hugh Shelton, 14th Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff)�This first-hand, exhaustively documented account of a large battle in the Vietnam War shows the decisive role of air power in all its forms.' (Carl Schneider, Major General, USAF (ret.))��a vivid, original narrative and authoritative analysis of the large but little known 1968 Battle of Kham Duc at the height of the Vietnam War. McLeroy's participation in it gives this deeply researched narrative and analysis an authenticity missing in combat accounts by writers who have not experienced the events they write about. As a multi-year Vietnam veteran, I have studied the war for over 40 years and taught its history to military and civilian students. I will now add this excellent book to the recommended reading list for my course and strongly recommend it to anyone seriously interested in Vietnam War history.� (Andrew Finlayson, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps (ret.))�the most authentic account to date of the historic battle of Kham Duc in the Vietnam War. It convincingly explains why, contrary to all other accounts, it was an American tactical victory. Well written, impressively researched, and filled with new details, 'Bait' is highly recommended for scholars, students, and general readers of military history.� (Robert Turner, Professor and Distinguished Fellow, University of Virginia)'A richly detailed micro (or case) study that sheds light on the meta-pattern not only of the Vietnam War, but on war itself.� (Arthur Hansen, Professor of History (ret.), California State University) Read more About the Author Both co-authors are former Army officers and Vietnam War veterans. James D. McLeroy lived at Kham Duc and led an elite group of U.S. and indigenous Special Forces troops in the battle.Gregory W. Sanders witnessed a detailed analysis of the battle at the Americal Division headquarters prior to a joint U.S. and South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) operation at and around Kham Duc in 1970. Read more

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