[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Free to Believe: The Battle Over Religious Liberty in America

Description for Free to Believe: The Battle Over Religious Liberty in America
Review 'Luke Goodrich is one of the nation's most respected thought leaders in the arena of liberty of conscience.'�--RUSSELL MOORE, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention'If you want to understand religious freedom and how to protect it, you need this book.'--ERIC METAXAS, New York Times�#1 best-selling author of Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther, and If You Can Keep It'This wise, faith-filled, and eminently readable book should be in the hands of everyone who values religious liberty.'--MARY ANN GLENDON, Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University and author of A World Made New'A clear, credible, and intelligible text that makes the case for preserving the precious gift of religious liberty.'--MOST REVEREND JOSEPH E. KURTZ, DD, archbishop of Louisville and former president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops'Pastors, this book is a gift to us! It's a remarkable tool that helps us reimagine for ourselves and our congregations what it means to respond to the religious liberty conversation through the lens of the gospel.'--KYLE COSTELLO, lead pastor of Mariners Church Huntington Beach'Luke Goodrich's book is the smart, plainspoken, biblically literate, and legally sound guide that churches, Christian schools, and business-owning believers desperately need to read... Buy this book and read it closely: the institution you save may be your own.'--ROD DREHER, author of The Benedict Option'People who love freedom need compelling arguments to offer in response--the kind of arguments that Luke Goodrich makes in Free to Believe.'--PHILIP RYKEN, president of Wheaton College'Authors who truly understand the principles of our First Amendment are rare, and those among them who know and love the Scripture are rarer still. Luke Goodrich...is both, and his book offers insight, faith, passion, and above all clarity.'--MICHAEL MCCONNELL, director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School and former circuit judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit'This book will not only inform you but also inspire you to stand as an advocate for religious freedom, not just for our generation but for generations to come.'--SAMUEL RODRIGUEZ, lead pastor of New Season, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, author of You Are Next, and executive producer of the movie Breakthrough'Goodrich's defense of religious liberty is...filled with both an unvarnished realism and hope grounded in deep faith; it's shaped by the author's keen legal intellect and rich experience with the law; and it's wonderfully readable.'--MOST REVEREND CHARLES J. CHAPUT, OFM CAP., archbishop of Philadelphia'As Goodrich recounts in his marvelous new book, there have of late been some important and exciting victories in the Supreme Court... But enormous challenges lie ahead. In meeting these challenges, having an informed and engaged citizenry is critical. That's why Free to Believe is such a blessing.'--ROBERT P. GEORGE, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University'Goodrich brings to bear his experience as one of the country's premier religious liberty litigators and his lifelong love of the Scriptures. The result is a book that no one, on any side of these questions, can ignore. And it's a great read besides.'--KEVIN J. 'SEAMUS' HASSON, founder and president emeritus of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and author of The Right to Be Wrong Read more About the Author LUKE GOODRICH is a leading religious freedom attorney at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, where he has won multiple Supreme Court victories for clients like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby. He frequently discusses religious freedom on networks such as Fox News, CNN, ABC, and NPR, and in publications like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Time magazine. Goodrich is also an adjunct professor at the University of Utah law school, where he teaches an advanced course in constitutional law. He lives in Salt Lake City where he enjoys exploring the outdoors with his wife and family and serving in their local church. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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