READ [EBOOK] Sully's American West

Description for Sully's American West
It starts in 1895 in San Francisco, Sully introduces himself and explains how he's come to write this story after 32 years traveling through America's Old West and experiencing its greatest characters and eventsHis story starts as a youth. He is William Garvey Sullivan, a sixteen year old boy in Ireland with a passion for adventure unexpectedly finding passage to America. As a result of his upbringing, along with his passion and capacity for travel, Sully has several natural abilities – he is liked by most everyone he meets, has an exceptional gift for gab,can outwork most anyone, plays a good fiddle, and loves to cook for himself and others. These are the attributes that will eventually carry him across America's West with those few attributes Sully is allowed to grow into an epical new figure in American literature."And Sully's epic commences when he arrives in New York on what turns out to be the eve of the infamous New York Draft Riots. He witnesses them from start to finish and records in great detail all that he saw - from what led up to them, to the incredible and often horrible acts themselves, and the aftermath of those terrible days.After the dust settles, Sully finds himself fully integrated into the New York culture with a lot of friends - most particularly, pub owners John and Mary McSorley who become instrumental in Sully's future adventures.Sully works at the New York docks during the day, and as a cook, bartender, and entertainer at McSorley's in the evening. During this time: Sully befriends a fellow worker, Catherine McCarty and her young son Henry – who he was destined to meet up with again, years later in the West. By that time though, Henry McCarty had become known as Billy the Kid.John McSorley, besides being a great friend to Sully, is also an exceptional businessman. He recognizes Sully's restless nature, and also a good business opportunity when he sees one. Together they invent the first portable kitchen, or "chuck wagon" as it was later to become known. John decides to fund Sully, helps him get set up, and sends him off on his Western adventures to meet and deal with Wyatt Earp, Jesse James and a host of others while finding himself in the middle of such events and places as Tombstone, Dodge City, the OK Corral, the Johnson County War, Northfield, Minnesota bank robbery and more, and still more.The story is a big one, as big as the West itself. It cannot be told in one book, Volume One which leaves Sully on the road to Tombstone, will be available June 30, 2017. Volume Two will be available in March, 2019.

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