Download [PDF] Russian Black Magic: The Beliefs and Practices of Heretics and Blasphemers

Description of Russian Black Magic: The Beliefs and Practices of Heretics and Blasphemers
About the Author Born in the Soviet Union, Natasha Helvin is an occultist, hereditary witch, and priestess in the Haitian Vodou tradition, as well as an avid scholar of other magical traditions. She learned the ancient Slavic secrets of magic and healing from her family and, as a child, often saw her grandmother and mother use magic in their everyday lives to help neighbors and friends. A professional rootworker and spiritual coach, she lives in the Pacific Northwest. Read more Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Chapter 20. Basic Works in the Cemetery Black magic practitioners spend an enormous amount of time working in cemeteries. Cemeteries are the strongest places of Power. Even ordinary people feel the Power of a cemetery. The cemetery is a special place of Power that can be used for both good and evil. The soul leaves the body at the time of death, but the spirit remains attached to the place where the body is buried. That is why it is believed that the cemetery is inhabited by many spirits. Those spirits, if properly invoked, are able to fulfill any requests and desires. You must be very respectful to the cemetery and everything related to it. Not all graves are suitable for sorcery work. Only the active ones are ready for use. An experienced mage will be able to select the necessary grave for work relying on his vision (clairvoyance, clairgnosis and clairaudience). Novices usually choose active graves according to the following principles, but experienced mages also often use the following signs. An active grave attracts animals. If crows, ravens, magpies or other birds are watching a grave or circling over it, this is a clear sign of activity. One of the best signs of a grave�s activeness is seeing a cat on it. If there are feathers or cat, dog, or bird tracks, the grave is suitable for work. Watch for the movement of trees. The swaying of treetops and branches can indicate an active grave, and sometimes there are dead trees on or next to an active grave. If you feel an oppressive atmosphere or discomfort as you walk through the cemetery, this is also a sign of activity. In the summer, active graves will be covered in withered, yellow grass. Any vegetation that grows on them will do so with reluctance. In winter, the snow on an active grave will look crushed and gray. The graves of children, young people, suicides, murder victims, and defrocked priests are all useful for sorcery. Family graves are often good for sowing disagreement and madness in a home. Once you find a suitable grave, greet the spirit and ask for his permission. Further, depending on what ritual you are performing, make an offering on the grave either before or after the ritual. Do not be afraid of the dead. They live their own life after the grave, and if your sorcery is successful, none of them will touch you or cling to you. Do not tremble in the cemetery, do not show fear. Fear is weakness. Be confident in yourself and your power! In order to begin working in a cemetery, you need to understand and know some features of the work. You need to know how to properly bring offerings and sacrifices to the cemetery. You need to know that demons live at the cemetery crossroads. As you leave, you need to leave a second offering. You also need to know to make offerings both at the grave and to the Mistress of the cemetery. It is better to leave offerings at the crossroads or at big, old cemetery trees. At the entrance to the cemetery, you must immediately appeal to the Mistress of the churchyard. Ask for her suggestion as to who will help you in your practice or ritual. Then try to sense what she tells you or look for her signs. You should memorize the spell by heart. In extreme cases, you can rewrite the spell by hand and read it off a sheet of paper. You must pronounce the text without hesitation, pauses, or distortion. Unless otherwise instructed, read all spells with your face to the west. Also remember not to blow out any candles. You must extinguish them with your fingers, or with a device meant for that purpose. Working hours: For positive rituals (for money, for beauty, for protection, etc.), work under the waxing moon. For negative rituals (curses, divorce), work under the waning moon. Perform purification and weight loss rituals under the waning moon. If a rite is aimed at forgetting the past, you should perform it at sunrise (for example, purification). Perform a rite after sunset if your goal is to influence the future. It is a good idea for novices (especially in healing and cleansing rituals) to take the so-called �male� (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and �female� (Wednesday, Saturday) days into account, as well. �The Black Spell� for Love Enchantment Before the ritual, you should buy a heart of a bull or cow (depending on the gender of the victim). You will also need a coffin nail. On a family grave, place 1 red candle on the wife�s side and 1 on her husband�s side. Say: �(the name of the dead), I greet you, help me in this matter of love! As you lived together all your life, so let (name) live with (name) all their life. They will be together, they cannot be without each other. As I bind these candles (tie the candles together), let (names) be bound in fate. They will be together, they cannot be without each other.� Ideally, if you have a picture of the person you�re enchanting, pierce it completely through the heart with a nail. While holding the bound candles, say: �Let (name) be unable to eat or to sleep, to be happy or to smile without (name). Let (name) become entranced by (name), let (name)�s heart ache without (name), let (name) only see (name), let him love and think of (name), be restless without (name). As a corpse in a coffin cannot see white light, so (name) cannot see or long for anyone but (name). Now and forever. My word is true, my will is firm. Let it be so!� Leave an offering at the grave and the crossroads of wine and honey. Read more

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