(PDF) Ebook This Is Chance!: The Shaking of an All-American City, A Voice That Held It Together

Description for This Is Chance!: The Shaking of an All-American City, A Voice That Held It Together
Review �Jon Mooallem is one of the most intelligent, compassionate, and curious authors writing today. I would go on any adventure that his mind embarks upon, knowing that I was being led by the ablest of guides. In This Is Chance!, he draws us into the depths of a disaster only to unearth an intimate, moving story about our capacity to care for one another when things fall apart�and, just maybe, on all the ordinary days, too.��Elizabeth Gilbert�This Is Chance is the riveting story of a town on the brink of its own existence, broken and held together by an unbelievable natural disaster. With grace and command, Jon Mooallem illuminates the near-divine existential interchange between wonder and horror, fate and self-determination. I teared up reading it, getting to know Genie Chance, a perfectly named hero�grateful to brush up against the extraordinary and unforgotten.��Jia Tolentino, bestselling author of Trick Mirror � �Jon Mooallem is one of the most delightful nonfiction writers working today. This Is Chance! is funny, poignant, and surprising: It takes an all-too-familiar story of a woman whose work is fundamental but long forgotten and turns it on its head. With his signature wit, depth, and gift for storytelling, Mooallem brings to life a strong, fascinating character who played a crucial role in the aftermath of a disaster�and whose story shows not just how deeply women�s voices matter but how often they have been silenced by history.��Rebecca Skloot,�bestselling author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Read more About the Author Jon Mooallem is a longtime writer at large for The New York Times Magazine and a contributor to numerous radio shows and other magazines, including This American Life and Wired. His first book, Wild Ones: A Sometimes Dismaying, Weirdly Reassuring Story About Looking at People Looking at Animals in America was chosen as a notable book of the year by The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, NPR�s Science Friday, and Canada�s National Post, among others. He lives on Bainbridge Island, outside Seattle, with his family. Read more

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