Download PDF Ebook Steaming Volume Seven: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 7)

Description of Steaming Volume Seven: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 7)
When I began these Steaming books in January of 2018, I had no idea it would take two years and 4,280 pages to summarize everything on the old KP Site. I guess I collected quite a few stories in those 13 years. In this final edition of Steaming you’ll witness the KP Site slowly fade into oblivion. It would become dormant twice when I tried to pawn off my editorial duties to the KP Facebook page. That didn’t work. Everyone wanted the old site back up, even if it was rarely updated. So, I tried again. Technology, however, was unkind. I couldn’t adapt to the new ways of doing things and finally pulled the plug after the 2014 inactivation ceremony. In my mind that seemed like the logical place to end it. I’m 56 years old now. The time I spent on the Big E was only 7-percent of my life. That’s such a small chunk compared to the over thirty years now spent serving society as a dignified and productive family man. But that 7-percent sure was significant. It shaped me in a way everything I’ve done before or afterwards never could. I now look back on that time with pride, knowing I served on the greatest warship of all time with the greatest bunch of misfits ever assembled in one place. How truly blessed I was.I hope you guys enjoyed the Steaming books. I know I sure enjoyed collecting the tales and putting them together in a somewhat manageable form. Has it really been 30 years since I last set foot in 4-Plant? Yes, I guess it has. Damn, I miss you guys.

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