[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Master Analytical Thinking: Improve Logic, Develop Intelligent Reasoning, Upgrade Your Decision Making Skills and Find Solutions to Complex Problems That Others Simply Miss Out

Description for Master Analytical Thinking: Improve Logic, Develop Intelligent Reasoning, Upgrade Your Decision Making Skills and Find Solutions to Complex Problems That Others Simply Miss Out
Observe Complex Situation with Enhanced Perspective, Make Better Sense of Uncertainties, Train Your Brain the Smarter Way. Attract Novel Solutions for Older Problems!The quality of your life, in terms of your income, net worth, what other people think of you, and your overall well-being are direct results of your decisions.There is a direct relationship between the decisions we make on a day to day basis and the kind of life we live.According to Albert Einstein: insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result each time.If you are, in any way, unhappy with how your life is turning out or the kind of results that you're getting, you need to make better choices.For this, you need to increase your ability to think analytically.When you boost your analytical skills, you're able to make better decisions. Do you want to learn and master how to think analytically?MASTER ANALYTICAL THINKING is your practical guide to learn and develop analytical thinking skills. You’ll find actionable techniques to boost your brain capabilities, improve your logical thinking, analyze outside situations holistically that fast track your decision making process.A sneak-peak view inside the book:Understand the difference between analytical and critical thinking.Learn 5 factors of analytical thinking to understand old patterns and create new ones in much faster way.4 gaming factors to get the maximum out of the brain games and take your analytical thinking skills to the next level.How to make best use of brain boosting mobile apps to level up your thinking game.How to effectively change your attitude towards new information that significantly alters your brain’s processing abilities.Effective ways to observe an issue or story from more than one perspective, and generate new solutions to the old problemWhy you should question what you read, and what types of questions to ask.Learn to get excited by new things and improve the reference of your thinkingDon’t overthink about asking dumb questions if you want to boost analytical skills.Learn how to transition smoothly and effectively from emotional thinking to analytical thinking.And a lot more.Take Action Now to Improve Your Logic, Develop Intelligent Reasoning, Upgrade Your Decision Making Skills And Find Solutions To Complex Problems That Others Simply Miss Out.

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