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Description of Resilient Faith
From the Back Cover Recovering the Genius of Early Christian Discipleship'As we witness a decline in church attendance and in church membership, and as allegiance to any religious group is on the wane, Sittser issues a persuasive call in Resilient Faith for a return to the systematic approach to discipleship developed by the early church to counter this downward trajectory. No need to search for novel methods to halt the deterioration of the church's influence in the world; applying the heart of the gospel message will lead to flourishing again!'--Kay Warren, bestselling author and cofounder of Saddleback Church'Today's Christians must learn the way forward by looking back at the riches of the early church's way of life. Sittser provides us an accessible history that not only teaches us about the resilience of the early church but provides a vision for how we might be more faithful in our current moment through the recovery of its doctrines and mode of cultural engagement. This is not a dry history of dates, names, and abstract ideas but a call to a rich project of retrieval--a chance to sit at the feet of our oldest brothers and sisters and learn from them how we might live more fully in the way of Jesus.'--Tish Harrison Warren, Anglican priest, writer-in-residence at Church of the Ascension (Pittsburgh), and author of Liturgy of the Ordinary'So if believers today live in a post-Christian era similar to the early churches' pagan era, what can these early believers teach us? Apparently a lot. So argues Sittser, tantalizing us with ancient ideas and practices that can invigorate Christian witness today.'--Mark Galli, editor in chief, Christianity Today'If you're interested in a knowledgeable, insightful, and thorough introduction to the life and thought of the ancient church--and the ancient church leaders known as the church fathers (and church mothers)--this is just the book for you.'--Chris Hall, president of Renovar�'An exciting, beautifully written, and much-needed book. In a time in which our social fabric seems to be tearing, Sittser draws on the early centuries of the church to offer a powerful vision of Christian witness. Sittser's 'Third Way' offers significant promise for a robust renewal of Christian life and thought.'--L.�Gregory Jones, Duke Divinity School Read more About the Author Gerald�L. Sittser (PhD, University of Chicago) is the bestselling author of Water from a Deep Well, A Grace Disguised, and The Will of God as a Way of Life. He is professor of theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, where he also serves as senior fellow and researcher in the Office of Church Engagement. He specializes in the history of Christianity, Christian spirituality, and religion in American public life. Sittser has written for numerous publications, including Christianity Today, and has spoken at numerous churches, conferences, retreats, and colleges. Read more

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