READ [EBOOK] The Daily Better: 365 Reasons for Optimism

Description for The Daily Better: 365 Reasons for Optimism
Review This delightful idea-a-day tonic is animated by two ideas: Optimists are the true realists, and gratitude for progress is good for your mental health.--- Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature and Enlightenment Now Optimism does not mean blindness to the problems of the world - it means believing those problems can be solved. Henry Edwards provides a year's worth of reminders with the wonderful Daily Better.--- Gregg Easterbrook, author, It's Better Than It Looks: Reasons for Optimism in an Age of Fear 'A daily dose of hope from one of my favorite optimists!'--- Angela Duckworth, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, Founder and CEO of Character Lab, and author of #1 New York Times best seller Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance 'The Daily Better brings hope to our divided world. It gives readers a daily dose of good news to help them see the world in all its complexity and goodness. Required reading for our troubled times.'--- Emily Esfahani Smith, author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters 'Henry Edwards appreciates the power of grateful, grounded optimism. In this elegantly written book of days he shares beautiful milestones of progress and human accomplishment--from science and exploration through music and literature to health, peace and the global march towards dignity and human rights for all. Every page provides a lesson in what people striving for a better, brighter world can achieve. It is a book that provides hope, but also marching orders: go make more progress!'--- Charles Kenny, Director of Technology and Development and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development, author of Getting Better: Why Global Development Is Succeeding and The Upside of Down: Why the Rise of the Rest is Good for the West'Henry Ford is often credited with the line, 'Whether you think you can, or whether you think you cannot, you're right.' It's one of my favorites. So's Henry Edwards and his work -- read it. Better: Live it.'--- David Gardner, co-founder, The Motley Fool'This fascinating book is a salve and a balm and a B-12 shot. It is energizing and also just lots of fun. A million thanks to Henry Edwards for meaningfully helping us transform cynicism into optimism.'--- David Shenk, author, The Genius in All of Us and The Forgetting Read more About the Author Henry Edwards'�mission is to create a better world by accentuating human goodness and telling�the story of moral progress. He blogs about human progress and flourishing at� and is a writer for Ben Franklin Circle groups, a growing national�positive community movement. He also contributes to Positive Psychology News. In his�work and writing, he promotes a realistic�and optimistic�view of the world based on�broad trends supported by data. Henry is an assistant instructor at the University of�Pennsylvania�s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program and teaches positive�psychology, social sciences, and humanities at The New School of Northern Virginia. He�helps his students develop a fact-based, optimistic view of the world, which cultivates�personal growth and confidence. Read more

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