(PDF) Ebook Summertime: George Gershwin's Life in Music

Description for Summertime: George Gershwin's Life in Music
Review �Richard Crawford�s book on Gershwin�s life and music, elegant and authoritative, is an irresistible match: one of the great historians of American music writing about one of the greatest American composers. Every chapter is filled with deep knowledge and insight, written with charm and captivating prose.� - Thomas Brothers, author of Help! The Beatles, Duke Ellington, and the Magic of Collaboration�The �in� in Summertime�s subtitle promises both a context and a method: to place Gershwin�s life in the wider world of music-making, and to reveal that life in terms of the very music Gershwin made. Balancing massively rich research with detailed yet always lucid analysis and a master�s knack for storytelling, Crawford superbly fulfills these promises, and then some. With Summertime he makes both Gershwin and his music come alive afresh.� - Larry Stempel, author of Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater, professor of music and American Studies, Fordham University�An engaging focus on the music, scrupulously covering all the musical comedies in detail as well as the classical compositions and film work. [Crawford] effectively interweaves what was happening in Gershwin's personal life into the story of the songs and shows, rather than the other way around....A worthy tribute to Gershwin's phenomenal creativity over only two decades.� - Booklist�An engaging chronicle of a brilliant musician....A warm homage to a central figure in American music and theater.� - Kirkus Read more About the Author Richard Crawford, professor emeritus at the University of Michigan, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and past president of the American Musicological Society, has published ten books on American music. He lives in Michigan. Read more

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