[PDF EBOOK EPUB] The Armenian Genocide: A Captivating Guide to the Massacre of the Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire

Description for The Armenian Genocide: A Captivating Guide to the Massacre of the Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire
If you want to discover the captivating history of the Armenian Genocide, then pay attention....During 1915 to 1923, one and a half million Armenian people were deported and killed in the most appalling ways comprehensible. They were ripped from their homes (in a land where they had lived for longer than history can tell, a land so old that many speculate it was the site of the biblical Garden of Eden) and sent off on death marches across the blistering Syrian Desert. They were shot on the thresholds of the houses where they were raising their children. They were butchered with swords in gruesome ways in order to dishearten those left alive. They were starved in concentration camps, they were burned and drowned and beaten to death by the thousands, and then their corpses were stripped naked and left to rot in the open air. They were overdosed with morphine. They were injected with infected blood. They were cast overboard into the frigid Black Sea. They were gassed. They were raped. They were abducted and sold as slaves.In short, the Ottoman Empire under the Three Pashas made every possible attempt to exterminate the Armenian race with such fervor that their actions would inspire the creation of the very word that now defines the greatest crime that can be perpetrated against a civilization: genocide. Yet today, the Armenian Genocide is an event that has melted out of the collective consciousness. It is an event that has repercussions extending to the modern day and is an event that should never be forgotten.So if you want to learn more about the Armenian Genocide, scroll up and click the "Buy" button!

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