(PDF) Ebook Like A Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren

Description of Like A Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren
Review �By unearthing new sources and re-examining old ones, biographer Wittenberg offers a new and clearer definition of this complex character.� (Stephen Sears, author of Gettysburg)�Enjoy this book about a truly fascinating young personality of the Civil War and American history, who rode into every mission hell-bent for leather, and flashed off the scene as quickly as he flashed onto it.� (J. David Petruzzi, author of The Complete Gettysburg Guide)�Wittenberg has taken on an important, but often overlooked, subject in Dahlgren. For anybody interested in the Civil War this should be on your �to be read� list.� (Rea Andrew Redd, Civil War Librarian) Read more About the Author Eric J. Wittenberg is an accomplished American Civil War cavalry historian and author. An attorney in Ohio, Wittenberg has authored over 21 books on various Civil War subjects, with particular focus on cavalry operations, as well as three dozen articles in popular magazines such as North & South, Blue&Gray, America�s Civil War, and Gettysburg Magazine. His first book, Gettysburg�s Forgotten Cavalry Actions (Thomas Publications, Gettysburg PA, 1998) won the prestigious 1998 Bachelder-Coddington Literary Award. The second edition won the Army Historical Foundation�s Distinguished Writing Award, for Reprint, 2011. His 2014 book, �The Devil�s to Pay�: John Buford at Gettysburg. A History and Walking Tour, was awarded the Gettysburg Civil War Roundtable�s 2015 Book Award.Wittenberg is a favored speaker at Civil War Roundtables, and conducts tours of various Civil War battlefields and related sites. He was instrumental in saving important battlefield land at Trevilian Station and Brandy Station, Virginia, and wrote the text for the historical waysides located at Trevilian Station. He lives in Columbus with his wife Susan and their beloved dogs. Visit Eric J. Wittenberg's website: http://www.ericwittenberg.com Read more

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